Couple of quick questions.


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
I havnt been playing bf2 long but just had a cpl of questiosn.

1. I have been flying the plains quite abit but im finding it hard to drop bombs on people, i was wonding how HUD on the jets work to alow me to place bombs accrately.

2. Some classes i cant work out how you add to your team score, sniper, assault and support. Any advice or tips would be cool.
Support you add by dropping ammo and giving it. Any other class just has to help capture flags or get kill assists to get team points.
The jet one, I can't answer because I have yet to find out how to drop bombs. :P
Medic: you can heal people the way to do it is to drop a med pack right next to them so they automatically regenerate health (dont worry the med packs will come back). the USMC gun sucks ass so try not to get into a real big firefight, but if you are MEC or china get in to the battle's because the AK is awesome.

Engineer: you goal is to fix stuff (tanks, apcs, heli's, etc.) if the opposing team destroys your artilery cannon things then you can repair that the UAV satellite and the commander station. same thing that is with the medic, this gun sucks as USMC : pump : POW : pump : POW and samething as the MEC or china the shotgun is AWESOME POW POW POW POW POW...

Spec Ops: you have C4 for a reason, use it to destroy all of the things mentioned above (including the tanks, apcs, etc.) it's fun to comeup behind people and throw C4 on them but it's just a waste of it. the M4 is a decent gun but try to sneak around if you know an enemy is close cause it's not that great.

Support: the gun comes in handy in a sticky situation (but if you come along to many enemies your screwed) so dont try to take to many at once. the ammo pack is the same thing as the medic pack just drop it on someone to regenerate their ammo. grenades are always a great weapon to have (but they take like 5 seconds to blow up) for when your on your way to get more ammo and there is people on the way just chuck one and hide (just in case of survivers) or if there is a crowd of people and they're not moving, but this last part on grenades applies to all classes.

Sniper: this is the class that you would mostly play outside of a squad (but what i do is make a squad then lock it so i can get supplies and crap). the claymore is your friend if you climb a ladder put the claymore a few feet in front of it so nobody can sneak up behind you. dont try to snipe in an wide open positon, try to stay close to the trees or on top of high buildings.

Assault: this is a defenant squad class, the grenade launcher is a dangerous tool, use it. it takes a few shots but if a tank is damaged enough then you can take it out. the smoke grenade is also a valuable tool for evading attacks, just throw the grenade in front of you and run like hell to the nearist ally way.

Anti-Tank: i have to say that this is a fun class to play as, because you can do almost everything with the rocket launcher. when you are launching towards a player make sure that you actually hit him because if you hit next to him he barely gets damaged. use the mp5 in appropriate times (like when you miss somebody with the rocket, their pissed and theyre runin to kill your ass). i have been able to pick guys out of helicopters with this thing so get your accuracy up and pick those bastards!

so there that is my little guide to the battlefield classes as for the plane thing cant help you there cause all i fly is the helicopter
There is a vertical line in the HUD of the plane when bombs are selected. When your target is right at the bottom of the line release the bombs.

Or thats how I think it works ;)
ray_MAN said:
Support you add by dropping ammo and giving it. Any other class just has to help capture flags or get kill assists to get team points.
The jet one, I can't answer because I have yet to find out how to drop bombs. :P

press f till your reticule changes, drop bombs by hitting your secondary fire button
CptStern said:
press f till your reticule changes, drop bombs by hitting your secondary fire button

I know how to drop the bombs its just making them hit my target.
For snipers, use the scope to spot people, and if they get killed during the spotted duration, you get a teamwork point. I'm not sure if that works, though, becuase I spot people as a commander and you get points for doing that.
Stormy said:
I know how to drop the bombs its just making them hit my target.

ya but ray_man didnt know how ...and I cant hit targets either
It's hard to learn, I suggest you first try to leanr with teh bomber, casue thats like 10x easier then with the fighter. But anyway, with teh bomber, when you fly and the target is at the top of the vertical line, begin dropping. Now in a bomber it''s pretty much a kill then. What you have to remmeber is, and this is the mistake I made a lot, is that your bombs go further vertically then you might imagine, they like fly 40 meters ahead for every 10 they drop down. And unfortunatly there is no way for you to see weather your bombs got ot far or not far enough. But when you get the hang of it you can own. And I do mean really own. Bombing has a very steep learning curve, but once you know it, you never forget.
ricera10 said:
For snipers, use the scope to spot people, and if they get killed during the spotted duration, you get a teamwork point. I'm not sure if that works, though, becuase I spot people as a commander and you get points for doing that.

can you spot people from the commander map, like whne you do a scan, or only in the field like all the others.
Grey Fox said:
can you spot people from the commander map, like whne you do a scan, or only in the field like all the others.
I don't know about spotting people from the two wider zoom levels... but I know that from the one where you actually see the action in 3D you can spot people by right-clicking on them and selecting it from the menu.
CptStern said:
press f till your reticule changes, drop bombs by hitting your secondary fire button
Aha, thanks a bundle. I will have to practice it when I get home.
Support you gain teampoints by giving ammo, capping flags, assisting kills, driving people, etc..
same wit sniper and assault, minus ammo.
Planes and bombing is kind of an aquired skill, it takes a while to get used to, but the bombs drop at about the same speed as in Desert Combat so people who have played that mod already have experience. Also theres a trick to bombing that nobody does, but its a secret and I cant tell you!
For comm view, you can spot in all three zooms, and its really sensitive too, you dont even really have to have your pointer anywhere near the person haha. kinda ridiculous.
Grey Fox said:
It's hard to learn, I suggest you first try to leanr with teh bomber, casue thats like 10x easier then with the fighter. But anyway, with teh bomber, when you fly and the target is at the top of the vertical line, begin dropping. Now in a bomber it''s pretty much a kill then. What you have to remmeber is, and this is the mistake I made a lot, is that your bombs go further vertically then you might imagine, they like fly 40 meters ahead for every 10 they drop down. And unfortunatly there is no way for you to see weather your bombs got ot far or not far enough. But when you get the hang of it you can own. And I do mean really own. Bombing has a very steep learning curve, but once you know it, you never forget.

that's actually very helpful thanks :)

last night I was at an enemy flag and had just killed someone defending it with a tank (love c4) I sit in one of the hummers on the machine gun waiting for the flag to change ..I hear a plane aproach, as I turn I see the plane flying past me with what looks like giant crosses rushing towards me ...of course they're bombs ...and I'm dead ..would have been an ace bomb run ...if not for the fact pilot was on my team ..nevr did get that point for capturing the flag
I one time gfot like 16 points in the first minut beeinga bomber, and like 40 in 6 min, but if they get enough of you and come after you with a fighter you're dead meat. But i always make a round near their main base to see if they have jest so I can steal one, and thus our team can have three and they only 1, and have I done that many times. But now does anybody know the differance between the f-18 and jsf.
Try practicing dive bombing. The steeper the angle you come in at the less you have to anticipate your forward movement for the bomb drop. Once you're comfortable with dive bombing level out more and more until you can drop bombs well flying level.
Grey Fox said:
can you spot people from the commander map, like whne you do a scan, or only in the field like all the others.

Yeah you can, although it's grossley inaccurate and you'll probably end up spotting something irrelevant like troops instead of APCs or Tanks.
Pesmerga said:
Yeah you can, although it's grossley inaccurate and you'll probably end up spotting something irrelevant like troops instead of APCs or Tanks.

Read The DeomonWithin's post...I can vouch for its truth. If you have problems, just rapid-fire "Spotted" anywhere on the map.