CP Violations at G20 World Summit


Apr 7, 2009
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Looks like the protesters/rioters at the 2009 G20 London Summit were 'guilty' of numerous CP Violations and the Civil Protect....ehh, the London Police went to work sporting full body armor, batons, and even circular Hoplon-esque riot shields.

This is a mish-mash of BBC, Sky, and AP footage of the event set to the track CP Violation from Half-Life 2.

Maybe the Combine are already here!


To be fair, this was because people were ****ing vandalising and destroying shit.

Even if only like three or four people were doing that, that's enough cause to get out the riot gear. A situation can escalate pretty damn fast.

Still, creepy vid.
This is raw BBC footage of the event set to the track CP Violation from Half-Life 2.

Who are you kidding? This was an edited video with material from SKY, the BBC, Associated Press (amongst others).
It was good fun until I got cracked over the head with somebody's camera, stepped on, and had smoke bombs thrown at me. I got some good pictures though.

I like this video.
Someone explain what kind of CP this is.
Looks like England going back to their roots at :20

See in history, this will be recorded that Europe had violent protests much like the USA in the 70's with Vietnam. Now in 2009, we just Tweeter, blog, or make a youtube video showing our discontent. :laugh: In other words it will show Europe had violent protests and America just didn't give a shit and looked forward to the next American Idol instead of the next job that doesn't exist.
Anyone know where the small clip at the end is from?
London police are really stupid, why the hell would lots of them be deployed with riot gear on etc etc, its really stupid. The protestors were only trying to break things and break into banks and maybe try and get to the place where all the leaders were meeting. Stupid police.


Someone explain what kind of CP this is.

Oh, civil protection. Moving along.

inb4 old or "this is not 4chan/het"
i got beaten by a cop before and all the money in my wallet was taken. it is not a fun experience. although i learned my lesson, not even my lawyer could prove what happened to me because i was drunk