CPs! Anyone know how to make a Combine CP suit?



Hi. I was wanting to make a cheap CP suit, but I dont know how. Any help will...well, help.
Also, if I do make one.....it will be the only one in the world-YAY
To be honest, I had the same idea running around my head...I do know that you can use an old Russian/Soviet GP5 mask...they're grey and I'm still thinking how to make them white without destroying them. But I think that the uniform can't be that hard...ask your mother to make it for you :p
The one peice of advice I would offer is, if you have a slight build, build the uniform with two layers and add some foam padding in between to beef you up a bit. The CP in game arn't massive, but they wern't slight either.
That helped alot. Thanks, I'll remember that.
Anyone know what a good recipe for making the armor would be?
(somehow I know I'm going to kill myself making the head)
Getting a head start on Haloween are we?

The mask is definately the part that will make or break the costume. Like Jalena said above, a russian gas mask is the closest you'll get without making the helmet youself.

I found something that looks close to the CP: http://www.4starmilitarysurplus.com/EDP00012.htm

Unfortunately this particular site is out-of-stock, but $50 is a good price considering how expensive they can get. These things aren't cheap.

As for the armor, how about some old hockey shoulder pads. Just tweak it a little bit and you'd have cheap/effective-looking armor.

Take this for example:


Remove the shoulder flaps and they could work great. :E
here's what i did.

-i got myself that gasmask, painted it white
-got a blueish rain jacket and put duct tape on the shoulders
-got another jacket and cut it down to the little "half vest" the CPs wear and sewed it back up and stuck duct tape on the front. Wear the half vest over an army vest. Makes the outfit look more complicated.
-got a pair of dark army pants and ran a line of duct tape up each side
-got myself gnomex gloves
-got myself an airsoft spas 12

only things i have left to do is build an appropriate "back of the head metal thingy" and replace my army boots with gestapo looking jack boots
what kind of paint did you use Flyingdebris? I thought that if you paint that thing white, it will come off as soon as you put that thing on your head because of the stretching. Btw, could you post a pic of your outfit, it sounds pretty cool :)
Hmmm cool. Do you have a picture of your armor suit? BTW canadian that is FRIGGIN AWESOME! Probably what Valve designed it on.
i don't have a recent pic of the suit unfortunately. As for the mask. I just used run of the mill spray paint. it only flakes on areas that recieve lots of friction.

There are some pics of me in an older version of the suit floating around this forum somewhere though,

but enough of the CP suit for me...i'm moving up to elites, that is my new task in costume making.
hmmm, nope

ive never heard such a stupid idea, it seems to me that the suits are cool enough as are so ....no i will not tell you how


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Stalin said:
ive never heard such a stupid idea, it seems to me that the suits are cool enough as are so ....no i will not tell you how


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Thank you for your advertising and insulting behavior. :rolleyes:
Flyingdebris: please post pictures of you wearing the armor! :p
I would like to see the outcome.
those pictures are really old, i have updated the suit several times since then


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telling from the pictures, the suit looked better when it was older. The pic you just posted looks extremely cheesy.
Alright, I brought up an old thread just to request more pics about the Combine or HL2 suits in general you have made. I am planning to create a Metrocop costume for a fancy thing we have here just before the final exams.
yeah it looks cheesey, that why i'm moving on to the elites!

white outfit FTW!
Flyingdebris said:
yeah it looks cheesey, that why i'm moving on to the elites!

white outfit FTW!
Get a mock stormtrooper helmet for that.