Cpu help?


Dec 28, 2005
Reaction score
i was going to get a quad core ( this one to be exact )


And i was wondering if I would need a new Power supply to run it.

my current setup is as follows:

E6300 1.86Ghz core2duo.
ATI HD 2900xt
2 Gigs of ram
600Wat PSU.
Gigabyte S-series mobo: 965p-s3

Also, would i need better cooling for it? I currently have :

CPU cooling: Zaleman ( http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835118223)

recommendation would be helpful, I dont want to "barely" run it, i want to run it with power to spare because I plan on getting another ATI HD 2900xt some day soon, so if i need a new psu now, recommendations for a crossfire- quad core setup would be very helpful XD thanks!
What kind of a budget do you have towards a new power supply?
PC P&C are great units. Would be a good pick...and 60Amps is insane.
I would recommend PC Power & Cooling's Silencer 750 Quad:


This is a top tier PSU with a powerful 60A single +12V rail. Very stable and will give you more then enough power for the components you described. It's currently marked down quite a bit too, making it an excellent value.

and this will power a quad core and TWO 2900 XT's? sweet.

thanks guys. Now about cooling the quad core, what would you recommend for that. I stated my previous cooler for my E6300, will that fan work for the quad core, or will something a little more hard core been recomended?
Doesn't the retail box for the Q6600 come with a cooler? Maybe Zalman's 9500 or 9700 for something simple.
thanks guys. Now about cooling the quad core, what would you recommend for that. I stated my previous cooler for my E6300, will that fan work for the quad core, or will something a little more hard core been recomended?

If you are buying a retail Q6600 (not OEM), it will come with it's own heatsink fan. Unless you plan on going for a pretty large overclock, the stock HSF will be fine.
alright. thanks guys, if i plan on doing any OC'n on it, I'll get some liquid cooling or something, hey im already in it for $2000+, whats another 100+ for a decent cooler right?