CPU questions.

Jun 30, 2003
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I am going to get a CPU upgrade hopefully before the time of Christmas vacation.

I heard that 533 Mhz motherboards don't support up to 2.8 Ghz.
But MSI says otherwise.

I read somethings about the:
And it says it can support up to 3.06 Ghz, but it says Intel Pentium 4 Northwood 478 and Willimate 478.
What's that?
I plan to upgrade to a Intel Pentium 4 2.8 Ghz 533 MHz and I can't find where it says Willimate or Northwood.

1) Will the MSI 651M-L SOCKET 478 SIS 651, 3PCI/0ISA/0CNR 2DDR,1AGP4X AT support a 2.8 Ghz?
2) And what's all this Northwood and Willimate 478 buisness?
Screw intel, Go AMD :P

That's my advice, anyway.
Hehe yeah I do agree but
Wil. was the first P4 while Northwood was the second.
P4 Northwood
A=400 FSB
B=533 FSB
C=800 FSB
is probably the info you wanted.

Intel made the P4 with 533 FSB up to 3.06GHz.
Then it redid the 2.4-3GHz with 800FSB.
I have no idea what Asus said.

What would be the AMD equivalent of the 2.8 Ghz 533 MHz?
And would motherboard would suit it?
Is AMD cheaper?
I could go to AMD.com to find out, but the official website is impossible to navigate.
Tredoslop said:
I could go to AMD.com to find out, but the official website is impossible to navigate.

You don't know how to navigate websites I guess then....

They equivilant to a 2.8ghz P4 should be the 2800+
Ahh screw AMD, I guess am biased towards Intel.
And no one answered my questions.
the amd athlon 2800+ will act like a 3.0ghz pentium 4. With that in mind, go look on pricewatch for price comparisons.
Tredoslop said:
Ahh screw AMD, I guess am biased towards Intel.
And no one answered my questions.

Lets put it this way, AMD's top of the line chip is about $800, Intel's top of the line chip is about $1100 if not more. There you go, I got my 3000+ 333mhz fsb for $140 something...not too bad, amd is usually cheaper, and better at gaming.
You could look up MSI's website and find the board here.
Note it says it supports upto 3.06GHz P4.
Is this a Dell, HP or Compaq machine? or did someone else or another place of buisness build it for you?

I'd buy the CPU pretty soon because I do know Intel has discontinued some of the 533 FSB CPUs. I wouldn't exactly wait on that if you were planing to get one. Link

Now if I were you I would buy this CPU and this board but that's only if Dell, HP or Compaq didn't make your PC. ;)
Very hard to upgrade those.
That 2.8GHz P4 is listed as "Pentium 4 2.8 GHz (133 MHz FSB)' here.
The A64 2800+ would be just below the A64 3000+, like this.
Okay, thank you.
I already have FarCry, but my version is a screwed up chinese burned disk missing over 75% of the cutscenes.
How long will this offer last?