CPU stuck at 100%


Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
My CPU is stuck at 100% usuage, the proccess thats using 90-99% of it all the time is called system. I can't end that task, access is denied. I've tried restarts, anti-virus and updating windows all to no avail!

Please help, my laptop is almost unusable right now.
System Idle Process? Rofl, it's supposed to be that way. It will always take up the remainder of what's NOT being used up by other programs.
he said system, not system idle process. I think his cpu might be fuxxored or something.
That means your computer is working hard on its plans for total world domination.

Seriously though, have you googled around a bit yet? link
My CPU is stuck at 100% usuage, the proccess thats using 90-99% of it all the time is called system. I can't end that task, access is denied. I've tried restarts, anti-virus and updating windows all to no avail!

Please help, my laptop is almost unusable right now.
If you were indeed mistaken and meant system idle processes then it might be your Virus scanner. I had the same problem with on my PC where my PC would just slow down and stop responding while I was downloading something because my virus scanner would be so busy scanning, and when I CTR-ALT-DELETED I saw 99% of my system resources were free. SO just try disabling your virus scanner.

If that does not work, start in safe mode, and try to delete anything you recently installed or do a virus scan in safe mode.
The name might have been cut off via the column widths. Trying to fill in spaces.
You do realize that there is a process called just 'system' right? And why would his laptop be unusable if idle process was fine?
Yes it's the process called system thats taking up all the CPU, and my CPU usage at the bottom is Always at 100%.
A big help you are indeed. The only space that there is, is the solution.
lolwtfk. I got the furthest by clarification of the issue >_>;
Vista's task manager describes "System" as the "NT Kernel & System" D: D: D:

Does the problem happen in safe mode too?

You know what, try this: Go to the control panel and make a new user account, restart and log into that account and see if it has the same issue.
Vista messed up on me once and doing the above worked for me...
If that doesn't work, or you can't do it due to the system not responding...I really don't know. Format? D:
My computer (XP) is normally at around 15% CPU Usage, max, when, of course, it's idle.
EDIT: So I forgot to say my point...
Well, I'm thinking that that's not good, so I'm guessing Virus.
Fixed with system restore.

Thanks anyway.