CPU Temperature?


Aug 20, 2003
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I want to know, once and for all, what too hot is for a CPU to run at..

I'm running an AMD Athlon XP 2500+, and it's OCed to 2800+ (2.083GHz), my CPU runs from 46ºC - 64ºC.. is that too hot?
46-56 on low usage, 56-64 while under heavy load (gaming, mainly).

I might look into better cooling, but I have no money at the moment
Hmmm, you cpu should only rise 4-5c when you are playing a game for a while. I have a athlon xp 2800+ @ 3200+ and my cpu is at 35c and 37c-40c in games. I have 5 fans and a vantec aeroflow cpu cooler...
Going from 46c-64c is odd in my opinion...
Doesn't help that I'm using the heatsink/fan that came with the retail CPU

Anyhow, what's too hot to run at, is what I really want to know.. I haven't had any crashes, or anything being unstable for that matter.
the retail ones are usually pretty ghetto. I really suggest a Vantec Aeroflow...they are like $25 USD. 65c might cause some damage over time...but im not sure. Id say if you go any higher than that you should really get better cooling...
I might be able to afford that, any particular model I should look at? I really don't want anything to go wrong down the road, and I most certainly don't want to go back to default clock speeds
My guess is that you put the heatsink on incorrectly; most people do. Try taking it off then putting it back on flat and see if it does anything. (Make sure you have some heat conducting goop on the die, Arctic Silver 3 is the best, but I don't think the CPU comes with any).
Ehh.. I'm 99% positive I put it on properly, I had it perfectly flat before I attached the arm.. I don't have any thermal paste either, I could check if it was flat, but I'm almost positive it is
The vantec aeroflow comes with thermal paste...
anklar suggested i get the Zalman cooling fan for when i upgrade soon.. and i seen a few other pple suggest it too.. so just passing on advice from pple that already own the Zalman, its good :)
Ridic, I was talking about the AMD retail HSF, not the Aeroflow ;).

About the Zalman 7000Cu, it's great for Intel chips, but not as great for AMD. The Aeroflow is an excellent HSF, and so are the Thermalright SLK-800/900s if you have a good fan. Also, Swiftech always makes quality parts, you could look into those too.
Well for one, the CPU sensor on your mobo is probably reading higher then it really is. What kind of mobo do you have? Post this on www.hardforum.com and ask if they know if your mobo reads higher then it is. On my IS7-G, temps are read 10C higher then they actually are.

And as for the zalman, i love it.
you really dont want your PC going above 50c...55c and over is where it starts to get dangerous. Add 3-4 fans and you'll drop it -10c
Don't add fans. You don't need more than 1-2 all together. Just get a better heatsink or re-apply your current one.
I reset the heatsink just to make sure, and I had it flat before.

Think I might get a Vantec Aeroflow and 2 or so casefans, that'd make 4 case fans, that enough?
Just get the Aeroflow, then make sure you have one fan in the front blowing in and one fan in the back blowing out. You'll be fine with 2 fans; there is no need for 4.
kay, thanks :cheers:

I hate sounding like a newbie, but, I've never really looked at cooling, thanks again for the help guys
Originally posted by Shockwave
you really dont want your PC going above 50c...55c and over is where it starts to get dangerous. Add 3-4 fans and you'll drop it -10c

I find that funny considering all P4Cs run at around 55C at load on air...