Crack HL2 Locked encryption?



Think someone is working on this now? considering they could crack the encryption in locked files or develop a new exe before HL2 goes retail?
Dobt it not all filies will be there untill comes out
Possibly, but i had the impression to start playing you needed to register with VALVe online, so they couldn't play it with us lot who get it properly.
There's a sticky on STEAM forums about this. A website was set up to 'iunlock' HL2. All you had to do was give them your Steam ID and cd-keys or sommat like that...and then they robbed it.
There are many required files missing. Translation = it can't be done.
Aside from the encryption, not all the files are there.

So what would be the point?
All of the cache files will be encrypted and there's more than one. Each one of those probably requires a different seed code to crack it. After that they have to get around the Steam authentication.

And as Pi Mu Rho said - we don't have the files yet. In fact, I think the core files are missing (such as client.dll files etc.) which makes it an allround impossible task anyway, even if they somehow did manage to crack the encryption.
SMEGHaMMeR said:
reckon u shud close this post.

Bit pointless imo. =/
Not in ours, otherwise we'd have closed it already!
czrsink said:
There's a sticky on STEAM forums about this. A website was set up to 'iunlock' HL2. All you had to do was give them your Steam ID and cd-keys or sommat like that...and then they robbed it.

LOL, if you fall for that, you DESERVE to have all your keys and accounts taken from you. Stupidity should be punished.
Lemonking said:
i kinda was looking for one im sooo unpatient.....

Must not correct grammatical inconsistency…Arg!!. I give up! It is impatient not unpatient. There is no such thing as unpatient.
I cracked the encryption a while ago and am about half-way through the game. The ninja's are cool. They are all on fire and shoot bees out of their mouths.
It's impossible for someone to crack right now...sure, they might be able to decode the files, but what good will that do with no levels?

If the files are encoded in true 128-bit, it would take quite some time for them to be decoded, and if it is 256-bit, there ain't no hope in hell.

Not this kid.
But in Swordfish Wolverine cracks 256 bit encrypt with ease!!!

He said 1,024 bit would be a challenge, if not hopeless. (Been a while since ive seen that movie tho could be wrong)
Assuming the files were able to be cracked, would it be possible for someone to augment them with files from the leaked beta, or vice versa? Thus making and incomplete, but nonetheless playable version that's closer to the real thing than anyone has played before?
Peqkx said:
But in Swordfish Wolverine cracks 256 bit encrypt with ease!!!

He said 1,024 bit would be a challenge, if not hopeless. (Been a while since ive seen that movie tho could be wrong)

it would take a computer 10 years from now 1000 years to crack TRUE 256-bit....believe everything you see in movies?

just bugging offense meant
KayLee Vogt said:
Hi Simon,

Your FAQ qualifies you for this poster. However, we do not have a mailing address for you.

Please send one so we can get you your prize.
And 8 days later they were here :)
mashed said:
Assuming the files were able to be cracked, would it be possible for someone to augment them with files from the leaked beta, or vice versa? Thus making and incomplete, but nonetheless playable version that's closer to the real thing than anyone has played before?

sure might be possible, but why would you want to?

would be neat to see the game in action, but...

6 years....6 years... there's a reason it took them 6 years to make this game, and frankly, i want the real deal, not some hastily thrown together copy that probably includes some sort of virus, just for fun.
hunteraz said:
emporio cracked cs:source, so who knows

was it encrypted? no.

CS:S never has been, and that's how the script was leaked.
I just read the PC Gamer UK review... DAMN! I'm getting excited! Just had to post that somewhere... and I didn't realise there were unseen vids - ravenholm has more at the end than the official ones... ARGH
Its not like someone couldn't just make an .iso of the retail cd anyway.
It's easy to crack the files, its the same way you crack the files for regular HL. theres a GPC or whatever reader on the net.

No maps pre-loaded. Useless.
Yeah if Valve had a brain they would leave key files out so even if they did crack it or whatever the game still couldn't run.
zex said:
Yeah if Valve had a brain they would leave key files out so even if they did crack it or whatever the game still couldn't run.

Well, they did. But still if anyone stupid enough tries to play HL2 before the release, Valve will bust their balls into a million pieces.
There's a GCF reader yeh, but the files stored inside the GCF files for HL2 are encrypted. So you can get them out, but they're garbage unless you can decrypt them. Which is Really Hard.
fact it, it would take so long to crack all the files, half life 2 would be out :)
Reaperman said:
fact it, it would take so long to crack all the files, half life 2 would be out :)

not if the levels were there... i don't think.
makes it kinda hard to crack a game when you have to create the levels pretty much from scratch.
If there are files missing, then that means VALVe are lieing to us. I quote "When the game is officialy released, you'll be able to play it immediately." . So i wont be able to play it "immediately" if i have files to download, DAM YOU GABE :p
