Cracking Competition


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
Calling All 'leet h4x00rz' (lol)

First person to crack this 168-bit encryption gets a prize, and a whole lot of respect from me, and probably everyone else here.

Good luck!!!

P.S. the prize is in the encrypted file, so you can't cheat :D
Well when someone cracks this, we can have Round 2 - much, much harder. :D
*burns to cd and cracks it open*

I don't see the prize :(
you all given up on this?

come on guys, this was the easy one!
I don't know how to crack or what to use. If I did I'd try.
heh, asked a techi I know about this.

"How do you crack a 168 bit encrypted file?"
"you don't"

yea i was gonna try, but honestly i have no idea what a .rxf is
Well... It's not a "recipe exchange file" ... it crashed "Resort Chef" when I tried to import. I guess it isn't food then :(

/me gives up!
RescoR64 3.00  f . ß M i c r o s o f t E n h a n c e d C r y p t o g r a p h i c P r o v i d e r v 1 . 0 ÚDJ$WêrÒÊÐ?çú*ý¯@oéšÝDŽfþ¯o¦L´øŠ²ÑÂù,g1 k+Ê+—ê1º¾ ¿ÿs)ÂÀ€*i„ ’gL§e´eïÿÜû8ÛyšMPà!÷ÍÖ¬FB˜B—x´”´<3z5†igÏø *ÄÛMØBijey¿åö@6ò{¼KP=C¶ÎƒB=AõŸß˜†<‰Fó>U£6û

umm, if you can find someone to crack a 128 bit encryption... don't just give them the file, give them a ticket to washington and a letter proving they did it... i'm sure any government agency would kill to pick them up
Build a Munro? Why on earth would you do that?

Anyways, if you can crack a 168 bit encryption, you would be a very rich man. Pobz, how on earth would you call that an easy encryption?
Maybe its HL2's release date!

btw, How would you even start to crack this?
blahblahblah said:
Build a Munro? Why on earth would you do that?

Anyways, if you can crack a 168 bit encryption, you would be a very rich man. Pobz, how on earth would you call that an easy encryption?

Just wait until he gives us the HARD challenge ;)
I put pikachu in a 124 byte file

btw, its prob a easy

or.. revenownsyou


M i c r o s o f t E n h a n c e d C r y p t o g r a p h i c P r o v i d e r v 1 . 0

you HEX the program, or brute force it, or DISASSEMBLE it (asm)

learn hex or asm...or become a *50 people gasp* script kiddie! and use a brute forcer
You'd think I'd be good at cracking things like this, but fortunately when I cracked the Docks video out of the Steam cache file last year it had a 0-bit encryption. Even that took me a few hours :P
Chris_D said:
You'd think I'd be good at cracking things like this, but fortunately when I cracked the Docks video out of the Steam cache file last year it had a 0-bit encryption. Even that took me a few hours :P

hehehe... even thats to hardcore for me :D....
OK, the trick to this one is not to decrypt it, but drag the rxf into notepad to see what info is in there - alas the first text shows Resco 3.00 as the tool used to encrypt and decrypt this. Resco is a simple encryption and decryption interface for Windows, a very useful tool.

Download this, import the RXF and you will be met with a password box. Since it's hosted locally you'd be able to bruteforce this, and because i'm nice, the password is 'between 2 and 6 characters long, alpha+numeric'

But anyway. I think i'll leave the hard one. :D