Craigs List creates Birdwatching MMO


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
no not this kind of bird watching


Finally, the exciting world of birdwatching from the comfort of your PC! Craig Newmark, the cat who founded Craigslist, is hosting a remotely-controllable robotic video camera from the back porch of his San Francisco pad. Thrill seekers can log on to help discover, photograph, and classify wild birds of the Sutro Forest using CONE technology -- Collaborative Observatories for Natural Environments. CONE puts the "MM" in this MMOG by allowing a number of users to share the webcam at the same time. Players also earn points for photographing and identifying rare species.

add guns and it would be an instant hit with gamers:

gamer 1: is that a robin?

blam! blam! blam!

gamer 2: ..lets go find out

gamer 1: there's not much left .. oh my mistake that's an endangered american spotted eagle ..there's only 3 left in the wild

gamer 2: ..make that 2 left
So...who gets to control the camera?? No one?? Everyone?? Algorithms?? That seems retarded. Still, lots of bird enthusiasts can make for a pretty ugly scene if they are angered....

MMO my azz. Its a fargin webcam!!