

Jul 4, 2003
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Grrrr.... Recently my custom built computer was fried... I still don't know what happened to it.. I changed graphic cards, motherboards, processors, harddrives, and even the damn power supply and the fricken thing is still shot... So out of money and at my wits end i went out and bought a cheap pc (only thing i could afford) for internet browsing so that i wouldn't be totally un-connected from the rest of the world... The problem is, this is a cheap CHEAP computer (emachine agh!) but i REALLY want to play half life 2 without buying a whole new pc... now heres my current specs...

athlon 2.0 gig processor
512 DDR Ram
cheap onboard sound blah!
cheap graphics card (but i will probably order a 9600 xt this week!)
and 80 gb hardrive, cdrw and all that jazz on win xp home....

Now if i get the 9600 xt this week, will it work properly in this crap computer, and will i be able to play hl2 barably.. I only as this because the only thing in this comp that isn't factory is the ram which i upgraded and will probably upgrade again soon..
Should be fine. Your CPU meets the recommended spec of 2ghz and your soon-to-be 9600 XT gfx card will work great.
do you have any functioning pc2100 that you're not using? :)

make sure this cheap rig has an AGP port...
Yeah, don't forget to verify an AGP slot.
well the cheap rig says on the case "s3d pro savage 8x agp" or something to that effect so im guessing it does, haven't opened up the case yet so not sure if its really there, kinda funny i'll probably switch some stuff out from the custom rig, but that one has fallen behind now... its been about a year or so i guess, so really the two comps are about the same only the wally world rig has cheaper parts im sure.. Hope fully i'll see some imporovement with the new card, and probably a memory upgrade, my low funds are do to my purchase of 3ds max, the damn software costs 2 times as much as the comp im running it on lol
If you hook yourself up with a new vid card like you're saying, it looks like you'll have a great little rig there!