*CRASH* The memory could not be 'read' error, for HL2 and CS:S

  • Thread starter Thread starter MetalSonic53
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MetalSonic53 said:
Half-Life 2 and CS:S both give me a "'The Instruction at 0x####### referenced memory at 0x#######. The memory could not be 'read'" error when I try to change graphics options from the default "medium" settings and apply the changes. For CS:S, that's the only time it would happen.

For Half-Life 2, however, it happens in that instance, AND when I try to quicksave a game, AND when loading a new part of a level, AND at completely random points.

Specifically, the game's sound will start speed looping, and that's when I know it has crashed for sure. The Windows XP "error" sound plays, and a few seconds later that 'The Instruction at 0x####### referenced memory at 0x#######. The memory could not be 'read' error pops up.

I looked up a solution on Steam's support site but it only gave me a solution possibility for HL1, and said it didn't apply to HL2. It's as if NO OTHER HUMAN BEING on this planet has had that error with HL2 like I have.

I've gotten this same error before when trying to play CS:Source. I can live without toning my graphics options on this laptop, but I want to be able to play Half-Life 2, which runs very decently UNTIL it crashes.

I have this exact error, and it is driving me crazy. I've updated all drivers etc, but still no joy.
well I'm getting an even wierder error. I do some mapping and test my map on css. That all works fine, then when I quit css, hammer says the memory could not be read and crashes.
Yep. I'll join the club too. But only one of my systems does it. All machines have the sound stuttering problem too..

System that fails within 2 minutes:
A64 3000+ Venice (Tried from 2.25 to 2.61 or 250 to 286 and no change)
DFI NF3 Ultra-D (no problems with other games. yet to try Neo2 Platinum)
1G Kingmax DDR500 2.5-3-4-7 1:1, also tried 166/
ATI X800 Pro VIVO @ XTPE 515/560 (could be the cause. Using 5.10)
Sound Blaster Live! Also use onboard ac'97 v3.69
Antec 550W True Power 20-pin

Systems that work: (:thumbdn: the machine I'm using)
P4 2.8C @ 3.5GHz (stock vcore)
ABit AI7 250/1:1
Corsair BH5 4x512MB XMS3500 v1.1
Leadtek 6800GT 256MB @ 380/1000
Sound Blaster Live! Value
Antec Smart Power 500W 24-pin

AMD XP 1800+ 2GHz
ABit NF7-S R2
2x 512MB Kingmax DDR400 DC
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro Extreme R350 400/700
Antec True Power 430W 20-pin

HOW ARE WE MEANT TO BENCH THESE GAMES WITHOUT THE STUTTERING?? Are there any HL2 timedemos out there that don't have this problem?? I want an accurate comparison!
I get the lock up/looping/sounds/crash @ autosave probs to, here's my system spec.

P4 3.02 gb HT processor
1 gb Ram
Radeon, gecube X850 XT Platinum edition 256mb card
Asus mother board
Audigy 2 ZS soundcard

The game used to run fine but now it's bolloxed, tried loads of things to sort it to.

Sometime it crashes almost immediately, sometimes it plays ok for ages.

And it happens on HL2, DOD:S, CS:S, But not on HL:S

Please somebody find a fix!!!
i to had this problem, i've got it fixed by placing my rams differently, its all about the rams..
Defrag might be the answer

Hey guys,
I tried the following and HL2 hasn't crashed ever since...

1)Make sure all the games in steam are 100% updated.

2)Defrag the partition in which HL2 is installed

Note:Its IMPORTANT that all the games under steam be 100% updated otherwise defragging doesn't help.

Hope this helps.
Wow thanks for reviving this massive beast.

I have the same problem but I can tell you right now that's not the solution for me because I have just installed it a few days ago and it spent hours updating.

Now to read up on 75 pages of ... something.

Well bad luck,me friend,because HL2 won't let u play offline unless u have it "100% Ready".Try getting a faster net connection otherwise u'll miss the joys of Half Life Deathmatch and Counter Strike:Source.

_Z_Ryuken said:
Wow thanks for reviving this massive beast.

I have the same problem but I can tell you right now that's not the solution for me because I have just installed it a few days ago and it spent hours updating.

Now to read up on 75 pages of ... something.
This thread is allowed to be revived :D

There's a lot of helpful info in this hunk of thread :p
Beerdude26 said:
This thread is allowed to be revived :D

There's a lot of helpful info in this hunk of thread :p
Yeah I wasn't being sarcastic, but it seems the discussion shifted to more generic memory problems and not the specific issue that was initially stated in the first post, which is the exact description of my little problem.

I did however apply some of those console commands to my desktop yesterday and my fps shot up like a rocket by about 20fps average. It even hit 100 for a very brief millisecond as I was watching it, and never went below 20.


Im now gettings the memory read error and after reading virtually all of these pages i cannot find a solution, upon trying 2 install the latest ati drivers i get an inf error.

my gfx card: ati radeo xpress 200m.

any help is much apreciated :)
I hope this will help

Hello everyone!!! I can't imagine how frustrated everyone with this problem is so i thought i'd sign up and post my two cents. I used to have the load&crash problem having to relauch after every checkpoint. These are a few things that i have noticed that may help you figure this out, even though i'm pretty sure i have it figured out.

i have both onboard(Realtek AC97) and a cheap 5.1 pci sound card(C-Media) both are enabled and in use without ever having a problem(comes in handy when multitrack recording) but i think that's already been ruled out.

For video i have onboard Intel Extreme Graphics(SLOW).

The demo and the full game both gave me the same problem everyone has had here. The game Chronicles of Riddick also does the same thing and i beleive F.E.A.R too.

My friend has these exact same problems with these games and he is also using onboard video(Intel Extreme Graphics) just like me although his processor/memory blows me out of the water.

So i had no choice but to stop playing these games due to the fact it would drive me even further off the wall, that is until i purchased a fairly cheap video card (ATI Radeon 9250 PCI), not PCI Express just PCI :-(.
After fighting to get it working switching it back and forth from one slot to another I tried every game i could think of to see what the card was capable of. Half-Life 2 doesn't crash anymore neither does anything else and i couldn't be happier with the card.

My friend is pissed that he has to buy a card just to get pass the loading points, the game runs ok besides that.

I think shared memory(onboard video, well at least Intels) cannot handle the data flow the game requires when you reach a checkpoint, considering the routine would be specially designed to unload/load lots of data as quick as possible using newer code to accomplish this which was only tested on decent cards or even just using cards and no onboard. The reason for not crashing when you restart half-life 2 and load is because it is only loading everything once just like when you started the game for the first time, it's only loading things once and not really unloading any memory versus loading/unloading/loading/unloading(really using the mem) through the course of playing a lot.

I've also noticed that a lot of people here have video cards maybe they still have there onbaord enabled or something else, this has been my experience and I know for a fact that anyone having this problem with onboard Intel Extreme Graphics needs to buy a video card, doesn't have to be top of the line, like i said mines PCI ouch(no agp slot in my pc OUCH).

Oh yeah the conspiracy theorist in me speaks out: I think it's very likely that Valve and others know about this issue and are purposely not fixing this problem so we all will buy a video card but actually it's probably more likely Microsoft and DirectX considering that the exact same thing happens in other games.

I really hope this will help you guys out.
Best Wishes!!!
Ok, I have searched EVERYWHERE now, ...so, does ANYONE have a SOLUTION to this 'Memory could not be read" error?

I have a brand new computer, specs are way over the top, and it STILL doesn't work, ...HAS ANYONE SUED VALVE YET? ...Apparently 1000's of people are having this problem, so what gives?

HEY VALVE, YOU LISTENING? I'm pissed off, and so are a LOT of other people. I want compensation in full.

I've solved my "Memory could not be read" error (HL2_Episode1) by removing my "autoexec.cfg" file.

After that, I went back in and took out suspicious-looking lines one-by-one. Turned out to be a bunch of comments ("//") in it from where I copied some console command guide info into it.

FYI this "Memory could not be read" error is quite generic in nature and can be caused by a myriad of issues. If you continue to have problems, use the Valve/Steam support site

> > > > > > > > > LINK: Memory could not be read topic < < < < < < < <.

Try all of the mentioned methods and use the system info submission form if you still have no luck.

Hope that helps. :)
Force refresh rate

Hi all,

I managed to finally fix this problem on my machine. It says on the steam support that "If you are using ANY refresh-rate forcing program, please disable or uninstall it." I was using the radeon omega drivers and was forcing my refresh rate up to 75Hz from 60Hz (I didn't think it would cause so much trouble!!). Once I disabled the forcing the game ran perfectly! Might be worth checking it out.

My spec:
3Ghz P4, 2Gb ram, Ati Radeon 9600XT etc.

Hope this helps some of you!
That's it, I've had it with this crap - we have all had to become SLAVES to Valve by working so damn hard just to make their damn game work on our machines?

It's ridculous, ...I'm returning the game, and washing my hands of such idiot-programmers who can't even make a game compatible with the average users computer.

Hey VALVE - wake up dumbasses, if you keep pissing off your clients - you won't make any more money.

The story concept for Half-Life was great and the graphics were incredible - but if there is no possible GAMEPLAY for we your clients - then it might as well be just screenshots we're looking at IF WE CAN'T PLAY THE GAME!

I will NEVER buy a Valve product again. You guys SUCK at universal-compatibility design!!!
Tenshihan said:
That's it, I've had it with this crap - we have all had to become SLAVES to Valve by working so damn hard just to make their damn game work on our machines?

It's ridculous, ...I'm returning the game, and washing my hands of such idiot-programmers who can't even make a game compatible with the average users computer.

Hey VALVE - wake up dumbasses, if you keep pissing off your clients - you won't make any more money.

The story concept for Half-Life was great and the graphics were incredible - but if there is no possible GAMEPLAY for we your clients - then it might as well be just screenshots we're looking at IF WE CAN'T PLAY THE GAME!

I will NEVER buy a Valve product again. You guys SUCK at universal-compatibility design!!!
Well, yeah.
You can either have a game that requires a big-ass PC to run good, and if you don't, have fun with the 20 FPS max. One piece of code for one piece of hardware.
Or you can have a game that still looks good on (very) low-end machines, with great FPS. Multiple pieces of code for right about anything.

Which game do you think will crash most? Which game do you think most people in general will appreciate more?
I've solved my "Memory could not be read" error (HL2_Episode1) by removing my "autoexec.cfg" file.

As silly as that sounds, it worked for me.

I checked by readding the Autoexec.cfg file and it repeated the errors. It's a simple fix for me, perhaps it'll help others.
I just all of a sudden got the "memory cannot be read" error this morning.
What happened was i went to join a sever, i got a Steam ticket error and it prompted for my password, i wasn't really thinking clear as it was first thing in the morning, and i typed the wrong password, no big deal, so i got frustrated with entering the wrong password and hit cancel and logged out of cs:s, closed steam, relaunched steam, started to launch cs:s, it loads up to a black screen as usual, then goes to the cs:s splash screen and then 2sec's before the Menu can appear (find servers, create server, options, etc...) my screen goes black and i get the error.
hl2, DoD:S, garry's mod all launch fine for me.
I tried the stuff mentioned here and it didn't work. I know for a fact its not my hardware, also cs:s runs perfectly fine under Linux using wine :P, but XP is my primary gaming OS which it is sad that cs:s wont work after this morning for me :(.
Since.. i have completely uninstalled steam and all my steam games, and deleted the dir. I have now reinstalled steam and am downloading only cs:s to see if it works. If i can't get it working i guess i have to log into openSUSE to play cs:s.
It is honestly very very sad when a game doesn't run properly under its native operating system which it was designed for.

Have cs:s, DoD:s, garrys mod, hl2dm reinstalled, tested cs:s and DoD:s so far and both gave me a "memory cant be 'read'" error, i ran with the launch option -windowed and that fixed it.
So IF* you wish to play the game in fullscreen mode, simple run with the -windowed launch option, then apply fullscreen+whatever res you want and it will work, just don't launch the game in fullscreen mode. Valve really needs to fix this and soon.
Hey all, I've found a fix for some of us at least. I was getting the read memory error when trying to create a counterstrike game offline, this is really bad if yer a map/model maker as its how we test them. Anyway what I did was:

1) Re-install counterstike (no need to delete folder just do it via steam)
2) Exit steam. Turn off all internet connections. Re-start steam (you can only play with net connections turned off)
Success! but I think you may only need to do part 2 so try that before you uninstall yer game.

I think theres various reason for this problem, for some of you it may well be hardware. For those of you getting this error when playing online that truly sux. I recommend getting this thread to 100 an e-mail'in VALVE
i solved this problem of memory could not be read by going to the folder

\Steam\SteamApps and renaming my account folder to something eles, it created one fresh and i never had this problem again :)
umm im not sure i got same problem.. when i start css the game crashes and It says Memory could not be read the momory on 04jfjdg(something)reffered to the memory on 0xijgsh(something) and thats it.. plz help me :(
here's how i solved the problem

+mat_forcehardwaresync 0 +snd_async_prefetch_priority 1 -heapsize 524288 -novid
after heapsize command,enter the no. equal to half your RAM in kbs

then just right click on hl2 icon shortcut on desktop and copy paste the line after the target

hope it solves the problem
The autoexec.cfg file address

It's in your Valve/Half-life 2/HL2/CFG folder

However, the reason that CAN'T be the answer is because the details in that file have NOTHING to do with the problem, ...the contents of the Autoexec.cfg file are as follows:


ai_disable "0"
cl_ragdoll_collide "1"


THAT'S IT, ...so you see, it CAN'T be that.
It's in your folder Valve/Half-life 2/HL2/CFG

However, the reason that CAN'T be the answer is because the details in that file have NOTHING to do with the problem, ...the contents of the Autoexec.cfg file are as follows:


ai_disable "0"
cl_ragdoll_collide "1"


THAT'S IT, ...so you see, it CAN'T be that.

Weird, looks like a pirated game to me!

Valve/Half-life 2/HL2/CFG pretty much gives it away.
Steam\SteamApps\Account name\half-life 2\hl2\cfg should be the correct path.

No hard feelings!
My issue was solved by reverting my Intel Chipsets drivers back to an older verion. Removing ram down to 2 GB of dual channel memory. Dirextx sound accelleration off. Adding a -heapsize 1024000 +mat_forcehardwaresync 0 +mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware 0 line to my shortcut from post #789 from iphitus. Thanks for that!

The heapsize of 1 GB (or more) was crucial as this game eats it up. Also with the sync lines added it at times made my game choppy and my fps to drop. I was able to play all levels past Water Hazard, where I decided to do all this, with not a single crash.

I even left the game up overnight and closed it out a few times and restarted. No issues.

Great game once you get the right combo of fixes.

For most people I would recommend a variation in my above sceme.

It is partly sound related. It is also heapsize, ram, directx, chipset/vid card and forcehardwaresynce and force texture related.

Interesting all the things out there on how to fix it and no real quality patch from the manufacturer...

Sad really.

Hope Half life 3 if they ever release such a thing will be less buggy.
amd operton 2.2ghz
ati radeon gto2 pcie
i gig of corsiar
550 watt psu
500 gig hd
xp sp2

the game crashes every now and again
when it crashes the windows xp error report box pops up
can anyone tell me what is causeing this apreciate the help
Okay, this is my first post here so I hope it's useful. I am having this problem with Half-Life: Source when I try to view my demo and so far the solutions for many different reasons are...



[1]: Re-install Counter-Stike (no need to delete folder, just do it via Steam)
[2]: Exit Steam.
[3]: Turn off all internet connections.
[4]: Re-start Steam (you can only play with internet connections turned off)
Success! but I think you may only need to do part 2 so try that before you uninstall your game.


[1]: Make sure all the games in Steam are currently 100% updated.
[2]: Defrag the partition in which Half-Life 2 is installed
Note: It is IMPORTANT that all the games under Steam to be 100% updated otherwise defragging doesn't help.


Remove the "autoexec.cfg" file in your, by default,: C:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\[account name]\half-life\valve Directory.


I've got it fixed by placing my RAMS differently.



This post will be re-edited with information when I have the time. For more information and help, please read the Steam Support Site.
Memory can't be read

I've got the "can't read" error. It happened after I'd changed some video settings to "high" - coincidence? If anyone knows how to change them back via the config file, I'd appreciate their input. It could be the problem, no one seems to know, and MetalSonic53 mentions graphics alterations giving problems elsewhere in this thread. I've had a look at the config file, but those references which appear to relate to video don't use "low", "medium", "high", so I don't know what to alter. Maybe changing them all to low would help. And, of course, I can't start the game to get to "Options". Maybe all games should start with basic this and that to allow us to get to the "Options" page before launching the game proper with all the fancy alterations. We used to be able to change such in good old non-controlling DOS.

Everything fine until this. I've just entered the buildings with empty cells. Just after the giant insects are on my side - with the squeezy egg things. So I've gone a fair distance without problems. (I'm being deliberately vague here about where I am so I don't spoil it for anyone.)

A few comments on other's posts...

The program "Free RAM XP Pro" just gives a "Page not found" error.

What is FSB. Please don't use acronyms. It's bad enough having frustrating problems without the posted solutions offering further frustrations.




How do I run the -windowed option?

I don't have an autoexec.cfg file anywhere. I do have a config.cfg file.

I'm running it offline, 100% ready, always have. No problems.

Windows will not let me rename my accounts folder, always "Access Denied". Presumably because there are sub-folders.

"+mat_forcehardwaresync 0 +snd_async_prefetch_priority 1 -heapsize 524288 -novid
after heapsize command,enter the no. equal to half your RAM in kbs"
Where, what, how??? What does this mean, where does it go, how does it get there?

I've read the stuff on Steam's/Valve's site, and, frankly, it's just too complicated, too messy, too guessy. I suspect they don't have anyone who knows what to do, and are probably panicking a bit. Nevertheless, we all should be emailing support every day until any such problems are resolved, and this appears to be a biggy. The whole Steam thing is a bit crap, really. I contacted them immediately I tried to install the CD and discovered I had to go online. Why? All other progs come with the necessary files and drivers on CD. Support muttered about needing the latest this and that, but, as I pointed out, the game as sold worked with the then divers and whatnots. So why the need to go online? They muttered a bit more, and I gave up. Just did the necessary and then played offline. Downloading updates is one thing, being required to have an internet connection and use it or fail is a bit fascist for my tastes. If it wasn't such a bloody good game, I'd have demanded my money back. I don't like all this control that's happening. Stuff Vista. Have you tried it? Control, control, control. You vill do vot ve say. Sorry, I digress.

Again, if anyone knows the setting in the config.cfg file that will return my video settings to "low", I'd like to try it. Ta.

It's a bitch innit.
Memory cannot be read.........Check windows system and system32 folder for these dll files mss32.dll and bink32.dll. If you find them delete as they cause memory cannot be read errors and crashes. Just one simple solution.
This thread has become too large to be of any real use. Please start a new thread with any problems.
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