Crash to desktop


Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
I've been havin these problems since the beginning of the demo, until last night I thought I was the only one until someone in a server said

"Wow, can't believe my game hasn't crashed yet"

and a few others were like "me to" so i'm glad to hear i'm not the only one experiencing this..

does anyone elses game crash to desktop sometimes or even restart your computer in the middle of a round? happened to me a few times and when i'm running BF2 its the only program on my computer running (like 21 processes k thx)

Oh and i'm kinda bummed today.. I'm really sleepy, just tryed to play BF2 and just couldn't wake up.
Umm, only in the main menu, when i'm screwin around with xfire and options.
Yep. It's not frequent or anything but it's happened I'd say at least 4 times (with ym 50 oddhours of playtime according to xfire)

Just.. quits. I'll be playing and then it just goes to desktop, the game is shut off not on taskbar and not running anymore. Sucks.
Pesmerga said:
Umm, only in the main menu, when i'm screwin around with xfire and options.

Yea sometimes it'll freeze when i'm trying to join a server for like 2 minutes, it's annoying as hell. Other times it will just go "Not Responding" - usually takes about 5 minutes out of my day :(
It's started to happen to me a lot actually. It's mostly random, but I think it might be something to do with the sound. Like it'll try to play the sound of my tank blowing up, but instead it just quits to the desktop.

Annoying considering how long it takes to join a damn game.
Happens to me sometimes...not frequent at all. My most annoying problem(also affecting foxtrot since we live in the same house) is our connection will halt for about 10 seconds, just enough time to boot us out of the server. If anyone has any suggestions that would be great...not trying to hijack the thread or anything just seems relevant with annoying problems.
This is getting me damn pissed.. I am sick of it.. I probably get this crash the most frequent of anyone here. It happens whenever the hell it feels I am having fun or am about to. I am sick of this game already and its only the demo.. Does anyone have a fix for it? It cannot be the drivers as I have tried 2 different types and both close to desktop.. It may be the sound.. I have a Creative Sound Blaster Live soundcard and although I highly doubt this is what is causing my crash, it is a concern. I mean it has never caused me a problem in any one of my games such as HL2, Doom3, Battlefield 1942, etc... This game seems like it is going to get on my nerves every damn time I try to play it. Please help me..
Try turning off AGP fast writes in BIOS and turning all of the graphics/sound to the lowest.
I never had fast writes enabled. :P As for the graphics/sound, it seems as though that would kill me game.. I mean right now I have mostly everything set on high and medium which runs PERFECTLY in game.. It is just that sometimes it will just shut down while loading the server or when I am clicking the Multiplayer tab..

Also, another occurring problem is that when I happen to go into the multiplayer tab, the game sometimes freezes itself when it is refreshing the servers or when I even try and click something or even when I am typing the IP to connect to..

This is definetly annoying, but I still will be getting this game the first day it comes out.
Shamrock said:
I never had fast writes enabled. :P As for the graphics/sound, it seems as though that would kill me game.. I mean right now I have mostly everything set on high and medium which runs PERFECTLY in game.. It is just that sometimes it will just shut down while loading the server or when I am clicking the Multiplayer tab..

Also, another occurring problem is that when I happen to go into the multiplayer tab, the game sometimes freezes itself when it is refreshing the servers or when I even try and click something or even when I am typing the IP to connect to..

This is definetly annoying, but I still will be getting this game the first day it comes out.
What mouse do you have? I got a wierd error with my mouse and it crashed the game.
Its a generic mouse.. Definetly not the problem..
I'm just hoping the game we are buying tomorrow is a newer build of the game and it has fixed it.
yeah happens to me, its got better though recently as i reinstalled the demo, it still freezes a few minutes after joining a server, the screen will freeze and go black with looping sound, then it comes back fine usually with me dead coz it froze and i couldnt see what was happening :P . I think its a ati driver issue as i get graphical corruption

i've gotten a the crash to desktop too, and a total system restart, updating punkbuster seemed to help for me.

i've had the browser crashes/freezes too, kicked by pb for empty window 32 module and today the account database wouldnt log me in so i couldnt play, annoying alright, anyone else think it takes too long to verfy your account when you load the demo up? with steam it takes 2 seconds.
It just happened to me. I was hearing strange "popping" noises and it was real choppy. I got the ATI "VPU Recover" thing and noticed there were about 12 CLI.exe processes running. That's Command Line Interface, part of the Catalyst Control Center, I belive. I wonder if it has something to do with that, might try uninstalling it. Do ya'll have that installed?

Tried going back in without doing anything and I got a whole slew of unhandled exceptions and about 150 CLI.exe's. Yes, I think I'll be uninstalling it...
jimbo118 said:
anyone else think it takes too long to verfy your account when you load the demo up? with steam it takes 2 seconds.

Definately, and half the time it tells me my password is wrong. It's not, I just hit connect right away again and it works just fine.