I've been havin these problems since the beginning of the demo, until last night I thought I was the only one until someone in a server said
"Wow, can't believe my game hasn't crashed yet"
and a few others were like "me to" so i'm glad to hear i'm not the only one experiencing this..
does anyone elses game crash to desktop sometimes or even restart your computer in the middle of a round? happened to me a few times and when i'm running BF2 its the only program on my computer running (like 21 processes k thx)
Oh and i'm kinda bummed today.. I'm really sleepy, just tryed to play BF2 and just couldn't wake up.
"Wow, can't believe my game hasn't crashed yet"
and a few others were like "me to" so i'm glad to hear i'm not the only one experiencing this..
does anyone elses game crash to desktop sometimes or even restart your computer in the middle of a round? happened to me a few times and when i'm running BF2 its the only program on my computer running (like 21 processes k thx)
Oh and i'm kinda bummed today.. I'm really sleepy, just tryed to play BF2 and just couldn't wake up.