Crazy American almost got me and my Family killed.


Sep 22, 2006
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So my mom is over from Germany with my older Sister,they picked me up from College tonight.We where almost Home when this ****er with his stupid Pick-up almost drove in to the car from behind...he was going WAY to anyway he flashes the light and forces us in to the other street lane looks out the Window and start cussing at us. He then drove in front of us and forces us to stop on the middle of the street.More cussing and so forth my older sister is driving she started to cry and speeded off,he followed us all in the way in to my Neighborhood where he forces to stop again,I then look out the window and I told him to leave us alone and leave before we call the cops.He looks at me "u ****ing stupid durrrrr"Obviously he drunk or just plain retarded,I tell him to leave a couple of times my Sister is still crying...he finally speeds off and leaves.

This shit could have never happened in Germany I tell ya!
Sure it could have. That guy probably idolizes Hitler... which germany spawned. :-P

But... welcome to America.
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There are so many people in this world that could use some 'education'.
I oughta educate your face!
where exactly was this anyways?

try going to a smaller town, they seem to be more friendly
Road rage is a terrible problem over here. And more often than not it's by the people who're causing the problems in the first place. Last time I was in an incident like this was when some guy cut a friend of mine off when it wasn't his turn to go, could've caused a major accident...then he gets out and tries to fight with us. People like that are douches, just be careful.

Glad to hear it didn't escalate beyond name-calling.
Depends on the region. I've never experienced anything remotely resemblying road rage driving in the northwest during 9 years on the road. Not to say it doesn't happen, but it's not all that common outside large cities here. Personally, I've always been amazed at how kind and helpful drivers are when other drivers are in need. But then again, I'm from a pretty rural area.
Nothing a 00 buck 12 gauge shotgun shell to the face can't fix D:
Depends on the region. I've never experienced anything remotely resemblying road rage driving in the northwest during 9 years on the road. Not to say it doesn't happen, but it's not all that common outside large cities here. Personally, I've always been amazed at how kind and helpful drivers are when other drivers are in need. But then again, I'm from a pretty rural area.

You're from Moscow in east-Washington/west Idaho (whatever it is)? Heh, I have a good friend who's doing a year at the University there.
lol, dude road-rage is global, this shit could definitely happen in Germany. I remember reading a news article in Holland once about large amounts of "highway fights": guys would accidentally cut each other off, and then go at it, cutting each other off again constantly, following each other, and fighting at gas stations, even whole families! lol! It happens man, everywhere.

And lol where does this generalization come from :P is it fashion these days to find whatever you can and generalize "the evil Americans" :P?
Replace Americans with "Black people" and most people here would be jumping around waving the "you must be banned racist!" flag. :cheers:

Ppl + booze on the road are just plain wacko. What i don't understand though, is nobody in your neighborhood helped you guys?
I walked out of the video store yesterday (Everything is $1 on Tuesday :)) and these 2 people were screaming and swearing at each other from 2 different cars and one sped off and the other did as well and he hit a curb and borked his wheel.

Anyway, he was already in a damn rage and that just made it worse, I thought he was going to start going on a rampage murdering everyone and was getting ready to use my ninja skills to take him down.*

* Story is true aside from the ninja part. :O
Whats even better is you guys actually did what he wanted by moving over a lane....
So my mom is over from Germany with my older Sister,they picked me up from College tonight.We where almost Home when this ****er with his stupid Pick-up almost drove in to the car from behind...he was going WAY to anyway he flashes the light and forces us in to the other street lane looks out the Window and start cussing at us. He then drove in front of us and forces us to stop on the middle of the street.More cussing and so forth my older sister is driving she started to cry and speeded off,he followed us all in the way in to my Neighborhood where he forces to stop again,I then look out the window and I told him to leave us alone and leave before we call the cops.He looks at me "u ****ing stupid durrrrr"Obviously he drunk or just plain retarded,I tell him to leave a couple of times my Sister is still crying...he finally speeds off and leaves.

This shit could have never happened in Germany I tell ya!

you should have shot him in the face when he stuck his head out the window gotta talk less and shoot more'll never become American at this rate
you should have shot him in the face when he stuck his head out the window gotta talk less and shoot more'll never become American at this rate

yeah deal whit americans like a real american, whit guns

here road rage is not like that
is mostly insult and screaming and them they go whit theyr way
He is right. This would never happen in Germany or anywhere else in the world other than America. It's because the genetic make up of Americans make them prone to road rage and killing people. Other races of humans do not have this gene, like the race of Canadians for example. This is similar to genes found in black people that make them all theives because white people could never steal. It's impossible. The Enron executives were all framed by rappers. Or the genes Jews have that make them hord all the money in the world where non-Jew humans are unable to do the same financial feats. Or the genes the English human race has that make them right and the rest of the world wrong. Some people would call these 'prejudices' but It's science, right? :p
I've seen a few road rage incidents over here, but none have gone further than the person driving like complete idiot, stopping infront of the victim (so they have to stop) then them getting out and shouting at the driver.

I've got a solid steel lug wrench under the driver seat just waiting for the first jerk to try and argue with me.
you should have shot him in the face when he stuck his head out the window gotta talk less and shoot more'll never become American at this rate

Oh no! I'm not an American!

I must be... must be... A Canadian!
we were in a left lane he speeded up right behind us.

You should only be in the left lane when passing people. Otherwise you want to remain as far left as you can be, or in the middle... otherwise assholes who like to speed are going to be all over your ass on the left lanes.
Oh no! I'm not an American!

I must be... must be... A Canadian!

well canadians do head south, ya know advice for blending in is: "shoot more, talk less"

alhem: ..yes, that's pretty much it ... just like the jews are genetically predisposed to make a superior bagel so too are americans predisposed to pistol whip you to death should the need arise

And we're genetically predisposed to make superior hash :farmer:
I thought that honour was bestowed on the morrocans?
anyone who follows me to my house = live re-enactment of Hostel = FTW!!!11
Its best just to stay away from these types. Drive to a polulated area or preferably a police station and see if the situation doesn't resolve itself peacefully.

Sorry it happened though! Of ocurse we're not all like that!
Its best just to stay away from these types. Drive to a polulated area or preferably a police station and see if the situation doesn't resolve itself peacefully.
Or "accidentally" "spill" "nitroglycerine" into his gas tank.

Wait, that last word shouldn't be between quotes :o
you should have shot him in the face when he stuck his head out the window gotta talk less and shoot more'll never become American at this rate

That;s not funny btw,he could have had a gun.