So my mom is over from Germany with my older Sister,they picked me up from College tonight.We where almost Home when this ****er with his stupid Pick-up almost drove in to the car from behind...he was going WAY to anyway he flashes the light and forces us in to the other street lane looks out the Window and start cussing at us. He then drove in front of us and forces us to stop on the middle of the street.More cussing and so forth my older sister is driving she started to cry and speeded off,he followed us all in the way in to my Neighborhood where he forces to stop again,I then look out the window and I told him to leave us alone and leave before we call the cops.He looks at me "u ****ing stupid durrrrr"Obviously he drunk or just plain retarded,I tell him to leave a couple of times my Sister is still crying...he finally speeds off and leaves.
This shit could have never happened in Germany I tell ya!
This shit could have never happened in Germany I tell ya!