Crazy Christian mom: "no presents for you, that's what christmas is about!"


May 5, 2004
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a little late for Festivus but interesting nonetheless:

poor kid ..I dont know what's worse, no christmas present or having a mother who batshit insane and ignorant

best comment on audio file:

What that kid doesn't understand is the Jesus died going down a chimney so he could have presents. For three days his corpse remained in that chimney until some guy poked at it with a spear and dislodged it. And now that kid is going to completely disregard that sacrifice? What is happening to the youth of today?

Wow....I actually got a great laugh out of this...

Batshit insane christian activists ftw.!
Ahhh activists. Putting the "fun" back in "Fun"damentalist. The hilarity never ends with fundys.
so since the kid dont believe in jesus them not presents for you?
Hang on...I thought when we gave presents at Christmas we were giving presents to Jesus, but as he's in all of us we spread it around a little.
Hang on...I thought when we gave presents at Christmas we were giving presents to Jesus, but as he's in all of us we spread it around a little.

Yeah...spread it around like AIDS.
poor kid ..I dont know what's worse, no christmas present or having a mother who batshit insane and ignorant
Yes, because not giving a kid a christmas present is borderline child abuse. :rolleyes:
"because thats what christmas is all about" HAHAHAAHA.
that was just priceless. i wonder if it will be this bad when i get out of the closet :P.
I am disappointed that the jesus in the chimney part wasnt really quoted. It made this not funny to me.
Rofl, Christmas is a commerical holiday, this Mom is an uneducated zealot.
She's not Christian at all! Get her!