Crazy fix for Memory error and stutter bugs


Apr 13, 2004
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Finally i solved the stuttering on counter strike and HL2DM. Bascially got some odd reason, Vavle stutters on my XP account. (my brother had his own version of HL2, and we both used the same computer, with different XP accounts, yet his games did not stutter)

Anyways i made a new XP account to try it out, and behold, used same internet connection, same steam account, and now it works. Who knew that MS + Steam can screw you game up -__-
Why? God only knows.
I tried it. Dunno if it was just me wanting to believe it but stuttering appeared improved, not that I expect it to be completely cleared thanks to a bad computer. Played pretty smoothly for a couple of hours so far in that I got involved in the game again!

Now I need to try some of the extra tweaks such as heapsize etc that didn't cross to the new account.

Good post! :)
Switching accounts means you dont load up the software that is installed in the other accounts in windows. Some drivers are however still installed, so this is worse than using a clean install of windows but better than nothing.

This isnt a solution unless you get real desperate. Why the hell should I have to do all this to play a ficking game I bought last month?
silentio said:
Why the hell should I have to do all this to play a ficking game I bought last month?
Because only a fool expects perfection, especially in a field as wide as PC setups.
dont give me that, unless every other game company is making stuttering games
Shinobi said:
dont give me that, unless every other game company is making stuttering games

If it doesn't stutter with me, which it doesn't, it ain't the game pal, its something on your end.
Dumb Dude said:
If it doesn't stutter with me, which it doesn't, it ain't the game pal, its something on your end.
So just because you never had the stutter problem you assume that it can't be the fault of the game? This would only make sense if you had somehow managed to play the game on a pentium-2 333mhz on full detail and no stuttering.