crazy sony quote of the.. hour: PC Dead, Nintendo For Kids, We Innovate


Sep 18, 2003
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do you know why i wake up in the morning ? to read the daily quote from some crazy sony executive, they just keep on getting better and better.

othere interesting things from the article, sony is yet again defending their rubbish that their call a controller.

you know, i think sony are just plain bitter now, they're trying to go "LOL BL MICROSOFT WE HAVE A LINUX OS NOW KEKEK" but really, it's not going to work, it'll most likely fail or just be useless.

i wonder if they honestly think they're going to force a SINGLE person to get rid of their pc and use the ps3, or when they leave the interview room they just laugh among themselves.

someone should make a list of all the crazy/amusing sony comments, like the console war is over, toy story graphics, emotion engine and so on. ;)

If the PC is dead we'd better all cancel our Vaio orders.
lol !
Sir, we're reading abnormally high levels on our Bullshit Meter!

Sony is full of it.
Sony's list of BS quotes is growing extremely fast. Soon they will be up there with the Bush administration and Jack Thompson.
I swear they've got Good Old Jack Thompson working for them.

"I'll bring 'em down from the inside!"
Everybody's got ridiculous quotes--don't get me started on Steve Ballmer, Jay Allard, Peter Moore, Robbie Bach, and Bill Gates. Who cares as long as the system has some really sweet games and provides a top-quality HD experience? After seeing an HD-DVD running in person this weekend, all I can say is: there's a huge difference in quality. It looked AMAZING and it was only 720p! Can't wait to see the Blu-ray alternative! Competition ftw!
VictimOfScience said:
Who cares as long as the system has some really sweet games and provides a top-quality HD experience?
.. but that's the thing, it's sounding like the ps3 will be rather horrible in various ways.

anyway, this was mostly suppose to be satiricial, i stopped taking sony seriously awhile ago when it was talking about alot of it's products, especially ones which aren't released. :)
I'd have the guy that said that fired. Comments like that only hurt your company.
destrukt said:
.. but that's the thing, it's sounding like the ps3 will be rather horrible in various ways...especially ones which aren't released. :)
Yes, that is the thing. Until the product is out and we can all see for ourselves what it can do,then all of this talk is just wasted breath/time typing.

I am certainly hoping the PS3 can deliver, but if it can't, then the Wii will probably be more than able to since the DS I just got is so terrific and is only going to get better as the year progresses. Depending on what games are going to be coming out for the 360, it might be worth it too with the HD-DVD add-on, but I just haven't seen many games I actually want for it. 2007 will be a very interesting year for gaming--that's for sure!
hang on, you're saying speculating is a waste of time ? that's one of the main past times on the internet, who doesn't speculate, spread rumours, bad mouth products that aren't out and so on ? IT'S WHY WE ARE HERE. :P

i hope it can deliver too, be a decent price, have more then 2 games that are 1080p, have a decent online component, get a freaking decent controller and many other things.

i like my ps2, it has a few good games (killzone, shadow of the colossus, guitar hero and others).

i'm going to buy a ds lite tomorrow, i'd get it today but it's a public holiday, so the shops aren't open. :(

i'm fine with 360 + wii, or just 360, ps3 is just a little side thing at the moment.

alot of good games coming out for x360, just not until the end of the year or very early next year. :(
OH NOES HE SAID SOMETHING STUPID, NO WAY IM BUYING THEIR CONSOLE NOW!. Who gives a crap, as long as the games are great then I will buy it.

Most of Nintendo's game are more 'childish' when you compare them to Playstation games. Thats cause of their narrative/graphics etc. Many people could take a quick glance at games like Animal Crossing and Super Monkey Ball and see that they look childish and it may put them off, but of course once you sit down and actually try them then they are fun games.
destrukt said:
hang on, you're saying speculating is a waste of time ? that's one of the main past times on the internet, who doesn't speculate, spread rumours, bad mouth products that aren't out and so on ? IT'S WHY WE ARE HERE. :P
I know, its just that some of these threads have a tendency to get out of control with crazy talk, but yeah, its very in the spirit of t3h int3rw3bs.

destrukt said:
i like my ps2, it has a few good games (killzone, shadow of the colossus, guitar hero and others).
The PS2 has some of the best games ever made (IMHO) in Dark Cloud 2, Dragon Quest VIII, God of War, Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, MGS2, MGS3:Subsistence, and many many more. Its still got a lot of life in it and will for some time to come.

destrukt said:
i'm going to buy a ds lite tomorrow, i'd get it today but it's a public holiday, so the shops aren't open. :(
Oof, that sucks. Its a ton of fun--can't wait for some of the releases slated for later in the year, but right now my hands are full with Castlevania and the new Super Mario Bros!

destrukt said:
alot of good games coming out for x360, just not until the end of the year or very early next year. :(
I am all about Bioshock, but I have heard that its PS3 also and that is one of the only really solid reasons for me looking into a 360. I am positive there will be more next year though...can I wait? :)
I don't mean to burst anyones bubble, but Nintendo is trying to target children, and they always have. They've very publicly stated that the Wii is intended as a family console. It's not designed the way it is because they care more about originality over graphics or whatever bullshit the PR campaign tells you. It's designed that way so that it will be the clear choice price-wise when parents are buying a new console for their children, and to entice non-gamers (such as women or older adults) to try it out.

That's not to say it won't have great games, but don't kid yourselves. For proof just look at every single one of their first party titles, they're all very kid oriented.

And wasn't that PC statement the same one from awhile ago?
I don't think Nintendo games are just for kids, thier target is more like 'all ages'. That being said, I think they should make some games that specifically target ages around 16+. By that I don't mean there should be excessive violence and stuff, but games that have intimidating enemies and a sense of real danger and fear. Take a game like HL2, you could remove all the blood and gore and it would still a very adult game. Its setting is very dark; there is propaganda and military police everywhere, Earth is a wasteland, people live in constant fear and oppression, etc. That's the kind of games I want, not "save the princess from the giant spikey turtle" type games. Not that I don't love Nintendo's games, but I think that they need some new franchises that move in a different direction.
VictimOfScience said:
Everybody's got ridiculous quotes--don't get me started on Steve Ballmer, Jay Allard, Peter Moore, Robbie Bach, and Bill Gates. Who cares as long as the system has some really sweet games and provides a top-quality HD experience? After seeing an HD-DVD running in person this weekend, all I can say is: there's a huge difference in quality. It looked AMAZING and it was only 720p! Can't wait to see the Blu-ray alternative! Competition ftw!


Everyone has a PR campaign to run, and in this billion dollar industry they'll go to whatever lengths to convince consumers. Is it so shocking that Sony PR would say their product is the best?
It still saddens me to this day that most of the gaming public never had the oppertunity to play Eternal Darkness.

A Nintendo first party horror game? You Bet.
Ok Sony! *throws out all his other consoles and pc* I don't need them anymore...

Yeah right. :rolleyes:
I reject the Nintendo for Kids hypothesis.

It's just a slur, nothing more nothing less.
nintendo targets kids.. AND EVERYONE ELSE. :)

In my experience "mature" consoles like the PS2 and Xbox are for kids who want to act grown up. Nearly all the owners of those consoles I know are under the age of 18. Real grown ups will play anything. Most adults I know game on PCs, Gamecubes, DS's, PSP's, GBA, NES, anything. Adults tend to realize that games are fun no matter what age group they're labelled for. Most older people I know play a fair number of supposedly "kiddy" games because they're fun for any age. Only young males aged 13-17 play only mature labelled games exclusively.

That being said I should point out that the Bob the Builder game was a Playstation exclusive. Now who's for kids?
when will you learn ? :P
Got to love this.

Sony: "Buy a PS3 and a Wii!"

Sony 2 weeks later: "Buy a PS3 and reject all others!"
Cormeh said:
Got to love this.

Sony: "Buy a PS3 and a Wii!"

Sony 2 weeks later: "Buy a PS3 and reject all others!"

Sony 3 months later: "All hail your supreme entertainment overlords! SONY!!!"
Darksabre said:
Cormeh said:
Got to love this.

Sony: "Buy a PS3 and a Wii!"

Sony 2 weeks later: "Buy a PS3 and reject all others!"
Sony 3 months later: "All hail your supreme entertainment overlords! SONY!!!"
Sony 1 year later: "WE OWN YOUR FRIGGIN' SOULS, DAMNIT!!!!!"
Warbie said:
That quote is so true.
you won't believe where it came from, some guy on DIGG, of all sites.

there is some sort of 'law' that applies to digg, like 1 out of every 1000 comments will be useful or insightful. ;)

lol cormeh.
Jintor said:
Sony 1 year later: "WE OWN YOUR FRIGGIN' SOULS, DAMNIT!!!!!"
sony 1 and 1 day later:"your existence is useles whitout obeying sony,your existence is useles whitout obeying sony,your existence is useles whitout obeying sony,fight for sony,fight,pick up your weapon and fight for sony,obey sony,your existence is useles whitout obeying sony"

you:"what the...?"*shock*

sony:"your existence is useles whitout obeying sony"
if you saw a mustached man dresed whit red fontaneer clothes whit a tv controller device like in the hand,please report it..
Both Sony and Microsoft executives sound a lot like smack talking 12 year olds. It's embarassing to the gaming community when they say things like "Xbox 360/PS3 will control every waking second of your life!" It makes for great entertainment though.
It's quite obvious that this utter obliviousness perpetuates throughout their corporation. Simply's why their financials are in shambles.

I wonder if there's some competition going on for which executive can sound the most F***ING INSANE.