Crazy ways to die.


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Hmm. I've been reading snopes, when I wanted to look up the validity of the whole 'ground up glass' in food killing people... which was false, but something else struck out at me.

What a crazy way to die!

What are some other crazy ways to die, that you guys can think of that have happened to people in history?
wow... that's so unbelievable it made me laugh out loud :|
Evil^Milk said:
wow... that's so unbelievable it made me laugh out loud :|

I know... its like. What the hell! With the phrase 'slow as molasses' thrown around so often, you'd think you could outrun it. LOL. But I guess the people who were killed didn't know it was coming. But holy crap though, 2 million gallons of molasses? Crazy.


Holy crap. Look at this one! That would be freaky as hell to witness.

Here's a small snippet.

On the fateful night of 21 August 1986, the deep waters of the lake either reached their carbon dioxide saturation point or something happened to disturb the layer lurking at the bottom of the lake (such as a rockslide), and without warning the lake "turned over," its bottom layer shooting to the surface in a violent, frothy eruption of carbonated water that flew some 250 feet into the sky. The lake waters turned red as dissolved iron was sucked up to the surface by the turmoil.

An estimated 100 million cubic metres of gas emerged from the lake in that explosion, quickly sweeping over the valleys surrounding Lake Nyos and, being denser than air, sinking to suffocate the inhabitants below.

Death came quickly. One man living just two hours on foot from the lake said, "We heard a noise, just like a gunshot." He immediately checked on his two young daughters, and found them already dead in their beds.

A total of 1,746 people were smothered in the night, according to the official casualty toll. The deadly cloud covered an area of up to 12 miles around the lake, killing thousands of cattle as well.
Death came quickly. One man living just two hours on foot from the lake said, "We heard a noise, just like a gunshot." He immediately checked on his two young daughters, and found them already dead in their beds.
thats so sad
On September 13th 1995 a man died while happily blowing out the candles on his birthday cake, not knowing that 1 of the candles were explosives...

LOL wtf
Snopes is great.

Snopes said:
...One such instance took place in 1814 in London. On October 17 of that year, a rupture in a brewery tank containing 3,500 barrels of beer caused a flood of fatal proportions in the London parish of St. Giles. The wave of beer swept victims off their feet, dashed them against walls, and buried them under debris. Two houses were demolished in the sea of beer suddenly loosed upon town, and nine people lost their lives in the flood of suds.

That's how I plan to go.

-Angry Lawyer
Those books are so hilarious
But its still sad
What is Molasses? Cant find it in the swe\eng dictonary..
Nevar head of Molasses? Why, you deserve to die then!

Molasses is like honey, only very thick.
I suppose one of the craziest ways to die would be to get hit on the head by an anvil droppedfrom a window at the top of a sky scraper.

Or, die when some 30stone woman throws herself out a window and manages to hit you.
In my home town some guy working at a gas station ( petrol for the brits ) , stepped in front of a car in an attempt to stop thieves from running with $12.00 of gasoline. They ( the thieves ) being drunk and probably high on Meth, proceeded to run over the gas jockey.

Well not only did they run him over but managed to drag the poor fellow under the car for 7 yes thats seven kilometers. Screaming and kicking for 2 kilometers the poor 25 year old Station Employee finally found peace in a brutal and henious death. The thieves aged 16 and 15 , parked the car , shook the remains off the bottom and went to a party. Where a 'friend' of the thieves called the RCMP or Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Because the 'driver' was bragging then feigning 'upset' over his traumatic ordeal. The driver remains in custody charges with second degree Murder.

Nice kids we have , eh ?
CREMATOR666 said:
I just wish I could die honorably :D
"All I have ever asked is that, when my time comes, I die for something and not of something."

Sadly, I can't remember who said that.
Razor said:
I suppose one of the craziest ways to die would be to get hit on the head by an anvil droppedfrom a window at the top of a sky scraper.

Or, die when some 30stone woman throws herself out a window and manages to hit you.

or being hit by a space meteor... :eek:
el Chi said:
"All I have ever asked is that, when my time comes, I die for something and not of something."

Sadly, I can't remember who said that.

And it wont happen.
Being hit by a toliet that fell out of a plane.
Combine Elite said:
And it wont happen.
Well that entirely depends what you do with your life and how you die, doesn't it.
Drowning in a vat of chocolate

Having a poodle fall on your head and kill you

Getting a object stuck up your bum and it clogging your intestines and such.
Or when someone utters the words "i don't believe in fairies", an overweight fairy squashes you when she drops down dead.
el Chi said:
Well that entirely depends what you do with your life and how you die, doesn't it.

So if you live your live desiring to die of something, you will probably die for that cause
el Chi said:
"All I have ever asked is that, when my time comes, I die for something and not of something."

Sadly, I can't remember who said that.

Dont ask me... :|
KoreBolteR said:
or being hit by a space meteor... :eek:

There's only one documented case of a person being killed by a rock from space, a lady in the 1700s if I remember rightly
Murray_H said:
There's only one documented case of a person being killed by a rock from space, a lady in the 1700s if I remember rightly

Though to take another view...

Most people who get hit, probably don't feel up to talking about it much afterwards.
Being killed by a giant monkey throwing barrels at me while I am dressed as an Italian plumber.

Dying from toilet contents ejected from a plane down onto me.

Being ran over by a milk float.
Druckles said:
So if you live your live desiring to die of something, you will probably die for that cause
Actually, what I meant was, for example, if you become a soldier and die by throwing yourself on a grenade to try and save your comrades, then there's an honourable aspect to that death. ie: dying FOR something rather than withering away into death OF some illness.
At least, that's the jist of the quote.
Actually, what I meant was, for example, if you become a soldier and die by throwing yourself on a grenade to try and save your comrades, then there's an honourable aspect to that death. ie: dying FOR something rather than withering away into death OF some illness.
At least, that's the jist of the quote.

Or if you develop a cure for some horrid disease from a harmless mutant strain cultivated from your own bloodstream and are killed by agents of the Pope just after sending the completed vaccine to humanitarian organisations around the world.