Create a Character, HL2 Style!

You're a crazy crazy man.
I thought this would be like the how you create your self using the wii.
ZombieStalker I higly reccomend you delete your current profile and make a new one. Otherwise you'll be remembered forever as the idiot who made 2 totally retarded threads in one day.
I'd like to correct my earlier statement, you've made three retarded threads in one day.
I mean lock :D

John lock


............| \
...\___ A BOAT_____/

which probably makes you pretty angry. I'd be pissed too.

****er came out of nowhere
I have an idea!! An enemy that eats stupid thread posters!! Uh-Oh, better run ZombieStalker!!
Poor guy. All he wanted was a thread where you describe your ideas for a fictional HL character. This could've been a good thread.

Better luck next time, mate. Might I suggest next time you elaborate what you're talking about more than a single sentence?
Well, I'm not too sure about new characters but what Valve should probably work on are a few added skins/reskins for the Rebels, not to mention some zombified ones.
Thread starter's post was so pathetic, he was hit by Azner's boat.


*A considerable amount of time passes*



N E character u want!
Vut is this?

This thread makes no sense! Gimme a shepard zombie to blow away, now that needs to be a HL character!
Or a zombie barnacle!

Have the headcrab dangle from the tongue and latch onto anythingthat goes under it...

Curses, I now think this is what the thread was actually intended for...
Now we've scared him into not posting anymore. He'll just stick to his Beboing now. FOREVER.
lol, zombie stalker sure has caused a stir.. and im amazed this thread isnt locked.. oh well..