Create an animal!


Mar 30, 2005
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If you were a mad scientist and wants to create an animal, what would you create?

For me, I'll create a hybrid of tiger and wolf, making them the most fearsome predator, because of the wolf's brain and the tiger's clays and teeth. I'll name it 'wogers' :laugh:.

What about you?
A combo kitty/puppy to make the ultimate in cute.
I'd create a cross between a cat, a dog, an airfreshner and a vac attachment on its tail

cat - so it cleans up its own mess after a crap and looks after itself
dog - do what its told and bites strangers
airfreshner - so it doesn't smell bad
vac - so it can get rid of all the fur it leaves around the place

I would call this thing


or somesuch nonsense like that
Weird question tbh...i guess it would be cool to make one of those Liger things, about 16 ft tall apparently. Weird people with a weird pet
Or geting a blue whale and giving it massive elephant like legs to allow it to walk on would be so massive it would crush entire forests.
The Dark Elf said:
I would call this thing


or somesuch nonsense like that

You mean a Cairfresh Vacdog?
Ligers can't breed :(

A cat that had a timer built into its body so about 3 months after being born its body would begin to kill itself and it would die in agonising pain.
I'd cross a human's genetic makeup with a dolphins intellect in hopes of creating a smarter human. Maybe if i made enough, we could erase the stupidity of regular man?
an illuminous fox.
with gold eyes and faster than a cheeter.

call it an .. Spear Fox.:D
Lion x Human

->superior uber creature!

*looks at own location*

Don't get this wrong :|
I'd breed an american with a pig, to create ....

... an intelligent american.
Kristafon said:
A cat that had a timer built into its body so about 3 months after being born its body would begin to kill itself and it would die in agonising pain.
What is wrong with you!? Thats just horrible...cats are awesome pets and lovely domesticated animals.
I heard it was done, but then killed, but a human combined with a chimpanzee, called a humanzee
Make the names as well!

Human + Fly = Manly....odd

Cat + timer = Caimer

Dolphin + Human = Dolphman/Huphin

Illuminous Fox = Illuminox

Lion + Human = Liman

American + Pig = Amerig
You see? Liman sounds the best! \:D/

I'd breed an american with a pig, to create ....

... an intelligent american.

Oh crap! *runsforcoverfromincomingflaming*
I would mix a homosexual with a heterosexual and make a totally new kind of person never seen before. I call it... the "bisexual."
lePobz said:
I'd breed an american with a pig, to create ....

... an intelligent american.

I'd breed you with a rabbit...

I was gonna make some snide joke, but then I thought about your avatar and the general bounciness of rabbits :P