Created new clan

zomg pick me pick me !

i doubt anyone will email you, you have 0 details, people don't even know what country you are in.
Way to totally miss the section there Shane. As xLostx puts it:

xLostx said:
the penis goes in the vagina.
Keep it to the right topic sections next time ;)
EDIT: and some detail of your clan can't hurt.
wtf? the penis goes in the vagina? Oops...
ZOmg you n00b, nobody likes you.
Isn't this supposed to be in the Clan sub forum? I dont know.. Anyway, yes details would definitely make it easier for you to recruit.
I love your clan. Can I have its' babies?
I want his babies. BABIES GOO GAGA.
Your all just wrong !!!! Lets all join, and go on a murderous rampage in which a killer Duck shall lead teh way !!!11!!!
I'd try out but i'm already in a clan. :sniper: