CreateEvent: event 'door_moving' not registered.



I searched the forums, but I don't see anything about this error. Sorry if this seems like a noob question, but I can't seem to fix it - let alone where to start looking for the fix (other than the func_door_rotating entity which doesn't say anything about moving events). :dork:

Does anyone else get this error in the console? How do I, if possible, fix it?

CreateEvent: event 'door_moving' not registered.

It happens anytime a door is opening or closing (obviously moving).
If the door is moving, I wouldn't worry too much about it. My maps will give me random errors like that aswell, and everything works perfectly fine.

I also got this problem after the new update.. And door sound wont play all sounds if I play on a server, but if I run the map in HL it works fine... As u know, fixing a bug creates 2 new bugs ;)

i dont see this as an "error" when you open the door its not an registered event... its not forseen by the engine.. you also get this when you break a box with a grenade or something

thats how i see it
Ya, this all makes sense...the door still works an all....maybe valve is just putting these new events in for now and they're gonna update the engine later? dunno...i'll just ignore it for now....thx all