Creating a Door


May 14, 2004
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This will show my inexperience with Hammer...Everything I searched in this forum to try to help me learn how to make a door only refers to getting a door to work. Well I need to know how to make the actual door. Is there premade stuff or must I draw it? Help please. This should be a simple one for anyone less n00b than me.

Note: this is for CS:S and the Video tutorial, however well done, is for HL2 and also the doors are already there. He is just making them move.
There are models, but you best use a simple brush. Make a 56x112 unit brush, and texture it with a door texture (use the word door in the texture browser). I assume you know what to do afterwards (assign to func_door_rotating etc)
yes thanks, got it working, just drew my own. I couldn't find "func_door_rotating" under entities. and couldn't find it in the alt+enter for the object, but found it after "Tools > Tie to Entity"
