Creating a listen server


Sep 12, 2006
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Hello. My roommate and I both have BF2 installed on our computers. We have internet connections but no LAN, so a LAN game is not an option. I want to create a listen server so that we can both play together. Is this possible at all? As far as I can see, the only options are both joining the same internet server, or one of us creating a dedicated server. If there is a way to create a listen server (and even better if there's a way to add bots) I'd like to know. Thanks.
If you two share an internet connection, then odds are you should have access to LAN. But I assume you two are dorming together in a Uni which means they may have a more complex network in place.

Either way, I'd recommend you try to use Hamachi to setup a LAN game. I remember there was a small mod that allowed you to have Bots in a LAN game (although I think it was only max @ 16) that I used to practice with while learning to fly. Unfortunately I've forgotten the name and where to get it, so you might have to do a bit of googling yourself.

To be honest, single-player with Bots pretty much blows. You're much better off playing on public servers together. Since there's two of you, it's a perfect situation to use the Attack Heli's.
And plus if you use Xfire together it really isn't hard at all to find a public server together.
Aye, use Hamachi or Wippien (Hamachi is easier to setup. I just prefer using Wippien)