Creating a 'Self-Locating' Program.


Oct 13, 2003
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I try my best to explain it, but, I basically want information of different Coding languages to create a program:
I was thinking about getting a labtop, wireless internet and all. I was wondering if it is possible to create a program that will send an email to so and so address reporting where the computer was logged in at, information about where they logged in at. ISP, things like that. So, say if someone stole my labtop I could track them down and pinpoint where they may be. I understand to do this it would have to send out information as soon as it connected to a wireless internet hotspot, or it was physically connected via ethernet.

Then it would do the command to send out the program. I was wondering if this is possible, (I'd also plan on doing this for a desktop too, never know. I live in a drug town.) If it is, what would be the best coding language to use for doing this. I'm also looking for a program that would be easy to implent graphical interfaces for when I need to configure it, though that is not necessary.
Then I have nothing to do with free time.
And it costs money.
EDIT: Bah, forgot to say. This is for fun too. I want to code this for the sake of learning how to code (Well, atleast, coding something useful), the use of the program, and for fun.
Well, how much do you know about coding?

Could you create a simple VB program?

If not, I think looking into VB is a good place to start, its not very powerful, but will give you a little insight into how programming languages work etc.

I'm sure... The Man*... will give you some better advice though.

*Angry Lawyer.
Shodan said:
Well, how much do you know about coding?

Could you create a simple VB program?

If not, I think looking into VB is a good place to start, its not very powerful, but will give you a little insight into how programming languages work etc.

I'm sure... The God Of Coding*... will give you some better advice though.

*Angry Lawyer.
k fixed
i'm not too sure, but if you track down your computer via the internet that means you will only be able to get as close as the area your closest server connection is right? Go to

Your IP: 130.***.142.***
ASN: 1**73 [UA]
Near: Tuscaloosa, Alabama
United States
Don't waste your time with VB. Learn either C++ or Java. C++ might be more helpful programmingwise but the free Java documentation and tutorials are pretty good. I bet the Java Sun website has links to programming forums where you can pose that question and hopefully receive more useful feedback.

If you get the program to work hope that a)The thief logs on to the net after stealing your laptop, without shutting down the programs running in the background b)He doesn't format the hard drive, which is not what a smart thieft would do, and c)That the ISP is willing to cooperate with you, or possibly the police, in trackng down the thief. Cops are so inept, I just don't see how you would go about doing it.

But if you stick a GPS device inside the laptop, assuming there is such thing, you can personally travel to the thief's house and kick his ass....