Creationists turn to peanut butter to disprove Evolution

Peanut Butter?

ahhhhhhh..... OK?

I just ate peanut butter then come here. only moments ago, and I decided to look here. You see god messing with me again?

God is in my radio, god is on the TV, god is on the internet. They weren't lying. God is everywhere. God likes everyone to talk about peanut butter now. Thank God for Peanut Butter because I don't like to eat animals too much.

I like porn and I believe in dinosaurs though.

We've gone over this. Earth is billions of years old. It takes like millions of years to create even a simple life form. It's not going to happen on the supermarket shelf of peanut butter no matter how long it sits though because it requires the right conditions to create new life.

There are no creationists here. They have all left I'm sure.
.......theory hole: The universe is not a vacuumed sealed jar
You never know, ZT. Maybe the big bang was the "pop" when someone opened our universe lid.
True. They say space is a vacuum.

i.e. 'the vacuum of space.'
Also, Penut Butter is organic, which relates to something living. So still there would have to be organic material already placed there in order for it to grow. God can't grow people in a jar without penut butter, you need the penut butter, and if God Ain't got no penut butter how he gunna grow us a peoples, eh? Ehhh????
I came into this thread reading that Creationists had transformed into peanut butter to disprove evolution.

Ever wonder where the little whip of peanut butter comes from right after you open a new jar? That's little peanut people building their escape!
I came into this thread reading that Creationists had transformed into peanut butter to disprove evolution.


oh man I lol'd hard

Creationists turn to peanut butter to disprove Evolution -just literally invisioning that is just....
I feel like an elephant just sat on my brain and farted.

These creationists seriously need to go back to school. Grade 5 sounds like a good place to start.

I came into this thread reading that Creationists had transformed into peanut butter to disprove evolution.


Reading that now, I really wish they had.

Doesn't this guy have an eerily simian appearance? Reminds me of that thing Bill Hicks said:
You ever notice that everyone who believes in creationism looks really unevolved?
Oh man. Want to know what I found funny?

His jar of peanut butter was already partially opened... the airtight seal.

Creationist: ****! This one has new life in it! Give me another one.

Creationist: <pops the seal> GOD DAMMIT! MORE NEW LIFE!

Creationist: Third times a charm... <peels back the seal a bit and peeks inside> Oh my god... OH THANK YOU LORD! This one is perfect. Roll the camera!
Guys, you're not using creationist logic here, you've got to beat them at their own game.

Counter-argument: Have you ever seen life mysteriously form from dust? You should, maybe not often, but on occasion, come across a pile of dust and find a person! The whole foundation of creationism rests on this.

For that matter, have any of you guys' ribs ever spontaaaaaneously materialised into a woman? You look inside your chest, but... no woman! AND AREN'T YOU GLAD.
For that matter, have any of you guys' ribs ever spontaaaaaneously materialised into a woman? You look inside your chest, but... no woman! AND AREN'T YOU GLAD.

*breaks off rib to put in embrionic chamber to generate another woman*

*looks at Bad^Hat confused*
Wow. Everytime creationists think of some "proof" that evolution is wrong they get disproven, and then move onto another, even more stupid one.

Retards should just stop existing. Perhaps then we can finally leave the middle ages behind.
Wow. Everytime creationists think of some "proof" that evolution is wrong they get disproven, and then move onto another, even more stupid one.

Thats what happens when you need to constantly find new proofs to hold up your theory after everything else has been debunked.
lol, the usual idiots

honestly i prefer this over decapitations and stoning
To be fair, these idiots probably don't represent the majority of creationists.
"God exists.

Despite this obvious truth, evolutionists keep arguing!"
Technically, Abiogenesis != Evolution anyway.
We may get some new lives if we keep the butter for several millions of years, then actually examine the jar of butter under microscope.
I lol'd at the, "Any life outside of Gods creation is a faerie tail"

Says the people that read from a book for their beliefs :rolling:
To be fair, these idiots probably don't represent the majority of creationists.

They do, this guy is just more overt in his stupidity whereas the more devious ones turn to fallible science in the hope that noone will call their bullshit. The "Why do people laugh at Creationists" series on youtube is a perfect example of this.
I lol'd at the, "Any life outside of Gods creation is a faerie tail"

Says the people that read from a book for their beliefs :rolling:


Origin of Species...

Origin of Species...

We don't read from the origin of species to find our beliefs. The Origin of Species was just the first analysis of evolution by natural selection. It was an analysis of data. Hundreds, thousands of other books, other theories and ideas have been created since then, all based on data. Our view of evolution is not based on the static, unchanging text of the Origin of Species, but on the ever changing, ever strengthening pool of scientific data.

The Bible, on the other hand, is considered an unchanging, immutable text. Christianity is literally "of the book." Its dogma is based on interpretations of text, not the data.
Ever wonder where the little whip of peanut butter comes from right after you open a new jar? That's little peanut people building their escape!

Pes, can I use that in my sig? I think its hilareus.
don't let him use it pesh, he's a lizard!
That video never gets old. I lol'd again.
Redneck science as it's best.