creative slipping into the market again

Yeh I have heard of this, sounds pretty good, its supposed to be teh next big thing in the audio hardware market since the soundblaster sound card.
it looks amazing:)

/me wants it with the best speakers creative sell :)
i wonder if they will do a deal
WOAH! they have a count down timer!!! Must be good!
Buffer design such that 0% CPU overhead required to pass audio to/from the host to hardware.
damn..and 4 sub processors that can take 2 streams of data at once.

Well I'll have to wait for this to get released :).
looks like a gd piece of kit:)

i do love lush sound:) i must say

Gunan bloody kick arse, tho im still unsure of how to go about getting the sound from the uber powerful card, out of speakers which wont degrade quality to bad:)

Bang and Olufsen here i come!
I don't see how they are "slipping in the market again", was there a time between the sound blaster Live!, the only considerable option back then, and the Audigy2ZS, the only considerable option now, in which I was believably absent from the scene and Creative had the spotlight stolen by someone else?
because i havent seen ne real hype over this, however they have this amazing chunk of hardware, thusly i beleive them to be trying to get back where they were without anyone realising that they were really gone :)