Creative Zen V+


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
I'm thinking of spending my Bday money on getting a Creative Zen V+ (8GB) version which i believe is about to hit the market in the next few days. I was just wonding if anyone elce had one and what they think of it. Is it worth my hard earnt cash?
Never buy anything when it first comes out. Ever. It can still have bugs in it, and you will pay the highest price for it that it will ever cost. Wait at least until the first round of permanent price drops, or just get something similar that has been out for a bit longer. Look at the PS2 for example. When it came out, it was about $900 here. The first "version" of them had crappy lasers, that died after about a year or two of regular use. Then they mad them more reliable, (still looked and worked the same of course), and at that stage, they were selling for around $500. Then the slim-line ones came out, which are smaller, quieter, and cheaper, and now you can get one for about $180 brand new at the store. People that paid $900 got the same thing as the ones who paid $180, but the $900 ones are louder, break sooner and more often, and are worth less now. Would you rather pay $900 for the breakable one, or $180 for the one that does the exact same thing, and is less likely to break down?

Just learn to use / get something similar in the mean-time, and never pay top dollar for brand-new crap that will be twice as good, and half the price, sooner than you think.
I think the Zen V+ has been out for a wile now and the latest addition just has a larger hard drive. So I think they are pritty tryed and tested. Creative are a good company and have alot of experance with mp3 players, i my self have one atm a 4gb muvo 2 but its on the brink of collapse so time for a new one.

I dont really think the price will drop to much, by the time it drops a new one will be hitting the shelves with new high prices.
I would buy the mp3 player from bestbuy, circuitcity, or etc. then if you like it keep it if you dont likethe player take it back
only thing i dislike about the creative players is the control. i just hate the vertical touch thing;its so "touchy". thats just me though.
You get used to it. Right now, scrolling with the vertical touch is as easy as moving a mouse.