Creature - WIP


May 18, 2003
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Creature WIP
Well, started a WIP, so here it goes

the images are pretty big, and no compression so for 58k ers it might take a while.

I might turn him into a doom3 model or so.. not entierly sure about that

wel.. bed time.. will post an update tomorrow
That looks cool, I like the muscle effect.

Is it based on that creature that was included in HL but never made it (probably because it was too scary for kids hehe)
looks good :) you took my colours advice, but didnt you like the spiky back? :(

steppenwolf - born to be wild
nope.. its not based on that, the only thing i based anything on was alien (the tail and spinal cord) but thats it, the rest was just trying to find out the muscles and bones (I drew those underneath the first image, its all anatomical correct.)

EDIT: @ crush it will have those retractable, between the spinal cord things, i'l do a version with them exposed

and I am off to bed now so any post's will be answered later

cya :)
Z|insane said:
Awesome, how does it see...

its like the alien probally, it doesnt. it only senses... some say the alien even senses fear...

and i must say i love the cross-breeding of a giant headcrab and the alien. i like the spine.
Suicide42 said:
its like the alien probally, it doesnt. it only senses... some say the alien even senses fear...

and i must say i love the cross-breeding of a giant headcrab and the alien. i like the spine.
actually, i dont know if hes changed his mind, but he told me he just didnt know how the hell he'de do a head for it...

fear of the dark - iron maiden
That's awesome-kickass. :D
Musculature looks spot-on to me, and the fusion of the various aliens works great.
Are you going to colour/shade it?
hahaah you ran out of ideas? :p

I remember similar creature from you quite some time ago....I like the way you shade. airbrushing this time?
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
hahaah you ran out of ideas? :p

I remember similar creature from you quite some time ago....I like the way you shade. airbrushing this time?
Its the same creature, I found it a couple of days back so I decided to do a remake :)

And yes, the airbrush tool in photoshop.
Tiny update *puts thumb and index finger 5 mm apart*
Picked it up 10 minutes ago and working on it until I have the basic mass finished.


Just to let people know what my usual preferred order of rendering, I made a little list, Some of the later parts are inaccurate and experimental, but I will explain them again when I get to that part:

  1. Rough thumbnail, 5"
  2. After that I scan it in and print it a4 size
  3. I put the a4 printout under a clean paper and sketch the rough thumbnail with H/2H pencils
  4. After that I take my reference, (I have loads of books about dinosaurs and human/animal anatomy and a whole load of printouts of stuff I find on the internet) and start drawing on a 5"piece of paper the basic layout of the bones, muscles etc. (lines are bones, circles are joints, a sequence of H's represent the spinal cord etc..)
  5. The basic layout will be drawn with H/2H pencils on top of the rough thumbnail sketch and I draw the shape of the actual bones (using reference). After that I draw the muscles, also with reference.
  6. After that I take my inking pens and draw on top of the light "bone muscle" picture the actual drawing you could see on the first picture. After that’s done I erase all the light pencil work
  7. I scan it in @ 600dpi and clean it up, and correcting some errors like pencil lines that I forgot to erase and the scanner picked up.
  8. Then resize the image at 25% and copy the layer with the line art
  9. Then I take my black in photoshop, and use a hardedge brush to fill in the image so I will only have a silhouette
  10. The silhouette will be copied to a new layer and will be set invisible. (So I can always use it when I need it). And I fill the original silhouette with the base colour (I used a skin tone for my critter)
  11. Then i take a soft edge brush, set scaling down to zero so it wont scale the brush according to the pressure I put on my pen en set transparency to 10% and I take out different colours, like dark red, black and bright red
  12. Then I do my shading, I use the same brush I used for the basic colours and use the [ and ] to scale the brush. After that it’s all about experience. And how well you can shade
    Light parts will have the layer setting "overlay" Dark parts will have the layer setting "multiply"
  13. After the rougher shading is done I will fill the wholt thing with little detals like ripped open flesh and whatnot
  14. Anyway, after I will have the basic shading done I will choose a position for the light. (Will pick one right above the critter) and I will apply a hard edge blob of light that will follow the basic shading. After the lighting is done I do the shadows, every part the light didn't hit will become shadow. Both the lighting blob and the shadow blob will be put on separate layers and I will apply overlay layer setting to the light and multiply layer setting to the shadow layer.
  15. Next will be the cast shadow., this is shadow that is cast from object on object, I will use a hardedge brush and try to use the same shadow colour as the previous part and just fill the parts that light cant fall on. (If you have a square room, and a light source in the middle of the ceiling and a 2 balls stacked right under the light source then the bottom ball will be in total shadow., if you move the bottom ball to the right, then light will hit the ball once it moves out of the cast shadow area projected by the top ball)
  16. After this, I use a very light brush (I think the one that I used for the basic colour’s) and put on reflective lighting. (Every object everywhere (except a ball in space) will have reflective lighting. Light reflects on "EVERY" surface, even water, or paper or whatever.. It reflects, and cast's light against other objects. This principle is used for radiosity renders like Brazil to create realistic lighting)

This all will hopefully give quite a realistic picture of the critter itself

The final step would also include finishing it up by applying minute details, experiment and do some stuff to it that will make it look beter
Kudos to your working habit, I was thinking once doing the same thing, with bones, but for some reason can’t make myself do it.

I wonder though, why don’t you use Corel Painter 8 for coloring, it has bunch of different brushes, or do you like Photoshop better?

Still, I didn’t really got the part about lighting.
Heheh I know, its explained bad, ahhwell.. I am thinking of doing a video tutorial about that once I get over the shock, of the idea of people hearing my dutch accented voice speaking crappy english. And I am way more confortable using photoshop. Painter is a great tool, I tried it, but I simply don't like the workflow of it so i'l stick with Photoshop untill my skills exceed the possebilities and tools photoshop can give me :P LOL
You did that all in PS ? :O, gotta make a VTM, ive always wanted to do stuff like that in PS
EVIL, it's coming along great. I think once it's done you could probably pass it off as doom3 concept art ;). The way it looks reminds me of doom3 for some reason.
looking really good....must say your coloring looks somewhat like piors...very sweet :D