Credit Card Applications


Sep 4, 2003
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Here's my handy guide to credit card applications and other unwanted mail.

If a piece of unwanted mail you recieve contains a "Business Reply Mail" envelope, do what I do. Share your applications! Perhaps someone at Citibank would like a Discover card application! In this case, just switch applications and send them to the other company.

However, if you receive two applications from the same company in one day (like I just did) then help show your disgust.


ok so they're not really steps...just pictures. and you'll have to copy the links into your browser because tripod doesn't allow remote picture viewing...and i'm too lazy to make an html page for them.

Step 4: Mail for free!

Now the credit card company knows just how much you hate their applications.
Maskirovka said:
and you'll have to copy the links into your browser because tripod doesn't allow remote picture viewing...and i'm too lazy to make an html page for them.

10 character message
simmo said:
lol, i'm too lazy do do that, too much effort

noway dude it takes like 10 seconds to destroy a credit card app...then like another 10 seconds to stuff it in and lick the envelope...put it in the mail whenever you go by the mailbox next...

plus then you get back at those credit card homos.
Hmm, good idea. At the very least mail the empty evelope and support you local pos office at the same time.
LoneDeranger said:
Hmm, good idea. At the very least mail the empty evelope and support you local pos office at the same time. cards mess up the economy because, in general, people don't know how to use them properly. It's very hard to educate people how to use them properly, so I fight the credit card companies in my small way.
staddydaddy said:
You Pirated Maddox

Ohh Punalicious

i've never seen that website's not like it's hard to link to something. i would've just linked to that site if i knew about it...why would i bother taking my own digital pictures and uploading them onto my site just to take credit on a