Creepy dude.

lol what the ****. What show was that from? Whats his name? I need some background research
Might be a coincidence but


brb tinfoil hat
"The mother's always so easy to kiss; it's the kids..."

Jesus Christ.
people back then were alot nicer, he's not a pedo. he seems to be a very nice guy.
you actually make me feel more uncomfortable than that guy, I mean your knowledge of japan and their weird shit
If being nice constitutes surprise kisses to 11-year olds, then I'll pass. The fuck.
people back then were alot nicer, he's not a pedo. he seems to be a very nice guy.
That might be true because now we are in an age with the media hyping stuff up and bishops raping kids. Still though how would you feel when a game show host (complete stranger) wanting you to kiss him on national tv? We are not talking about you kissing him on the cheek neither but him kissing you on the lips and you are like 11.

How the hell did that fly, even back then, whenever it was?

I felt uncomfortable.

If I'm not mistaken, since I think I've seen every fkn episode of the original Family Feud, Richard Dawson didn't kiss the young ones.
Just watched the video.

From wikipedia -
Young was featured as a child psychiatrist in the Robert Downey, Jr. film Charlie Bartlett.

I lold a little.
people back then were alot nicer, he's not a pedo. he seems to be a very nice guy.
Uhh, hi, no.

What you mean to say is people were more naive back then. Or, if you'd care to put it more charitably, they were more "innocent." Granted we've kind of taken a huge leap in the opposite direction now, but this doesn't somehow make an obvious perv into a "nice guy" who just wants kisses and hugs from 10 year olds, regardless of how people would have perceived him then. In fact, I really can't imagine no one picking up on this even at that time, and in fact several people in that first video seem to be pretty uncomfortable about it...

Anyway, I don't mean to get all preachy and serious about this. Despite being incredibly uncomfortable to sit through, at the end of the day it is just a few kisses. I'm just saying, you know... you're wrong. :)