Creepy Half-Life 1 DM Experience


Apr 19, 2009
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I once googled something (I have no idea what) and came on to this ( and i noticed that this forum was not in THIS forum (it is the same website but the thread must've been so old that it has been "moved" i guess) so as a tribute to this thread i just wanted to repost it :) (hope Sheikah42 don't mind and if he does ... PLEASE don't hurt me! ;( )

Well anyway ... this is what he wrote:

Sheikah42 (The real poster) 08-02-2006, 07:00 AM

Okay guys this has been bugging me for the past 32 minutes.

Earlier I was playing a game of Half-Life 1 Deathmatch. I couldn't find a Stalkyard server, so I decided to create my own game with the map Stalkyard. After starting it, I maybe ran around the entire map for a good 10 minutes waiting for someone to join/stocking up on weapons/armor.

And then it happened.

Somebody joined. His name was like RabidSnowBall77 or something gay like that. I figured I should go find him and blow him up. So I spend about another 5 minutes running around stalkyard looking for him. I ask him where he is. No response. I spend another 5 minutes running around looking for him "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU" I ask. No response. After another 5 minutes of looking I say "look, if you don't tell me where you're hiding, I'm leaving." He finally responds with "I don't want to hurt you."


I'm playing Half-Life 1. It's like 1:40 AM. I'm in a deathmatch game that's like 8 years old, and some guy is saying he doesn't want to hurt me. Talk about creepy.

I figure this guy is obviously coked out or something. Then I remembered in the box room there was a box that opened and closed where you could find satchel charges. I go to see if he's hiding in there. I open the door and I see a zombie character holding a crowbar. He was just standing there. I was holding shotgun to him and he was just standing in that closed box with a crowbar. I thought for a second he must be AFK.

But then something else happened.

He hits me with his ****ing crowbar!

I didn't even want to pull the trigger on this champion. So I run away, and he starts chasing me with the crowbar. I do a full circle around the map, and end up back in the boxes room. By now he's ways behind me. So I go and I hide somewhere up top way on the boxes. I look down, and I see him enter the room again.

He goes straight back into the box he was hiding in the first place, yes while holding the crowbar.

Then he says "please I don't want to hurt you"

I jumped down, opened the box again and pointed my shotgun at him without firing.

I knew he wasn't AFK this time either because his character was looking around when I opened the box door.

He just stood there looking at me and I kept my shotgun pointed straight at him. Then he comes up to me and hits me with the crowbar again, turns around, runs back into the box, and turns around to face me again.

By this time I had already blown his ****ing brains out and quit the game.

Anyways I just felt like sharing that story with you, I've never seen anything like this. I don't think I'm gonna go back to playing Half-Life 1 deathmatch. I'm kinda creeped out right now, I don't know why!

If you want to see other stories then watch the replies on the real thread (
"I figure this guy is obviously coked out or something"

Yes because people acting weird on the internet is only explainable through the use of hard drugs.
I completely understand the Crowbar. That old game is sort of laggish to be completely accurate with guns, so I always bash away people's faces with my Crowbar and it's real fun, mainly because I'm surprised it works so well. I've done great challenges with that bar and did my whole 'Half-Life 2 solo Crowbar' mission and when you get a kill an actual player with it, it's real satisfying. :)

Anyway, I actually thought it was an interesting story.
ohh, I forgot to say my own story... Not creepy though but weird... well, here it goes:

I was playing CS:S one day and I was CT.

After a while someone joins named "unnamed" (in the server i was playing on there are many times someone called unnamed but now there was 2 of them on the server.) so I thought it just was the regular "unnamed" that used to play on the server.

The CT won alot of rounds, but one round there were only unnamed and the terrorists left ... they looked for him but didn't find him ... at the end they found him down some small stairs (we were playing cs_assult) right with the CT spawn, looking at the door. The terrorist shoots him and wins the round.

The next round "unnamed" goes straight down the stairs again and looked at the door, and maybe sometimes he would shoot the door ... The admin noticed this and goes the next round over to him and says in the microphone: "unnamed, what are you doing?" ... "unnamed" was still looking at the door. "Unnamed, where are you from? where are you from, unnamed?" (and then others would say like "He's from noobtown" and such) "Unnamed, follow me" ... it took a while to make him follow but finaly he did. He then followed him to the house and then the admin said: "you see this house? you need to go in there and kill terrorists, okay?" Unnamed just looked at him for a second and then shoots him in the head. The admin slaps him alot of times so he flies in the air, and then slays him for teamkilling.

All rounds he would try and kill his teammates. and after a while he said: "Make me fly"

the admin tried to kill him each round before he tried to kill someone else, but in the end he banned him from the server.
so I thought it just was the regular "unnamed" that used to play on the server.

Its probably a different guy each time you know. Also these stories are neither scary nor cool.
Its probably a different guy each time you know. Also these stories are neither scary nor cool.

Unnamed comes when you haven't chosen a name yet, i know, but he used his microphone sometimes and that's how i remember ... sometimes he would fancy his name text a little