Crime-fighting faeries fight for gender equality on the high seas.

Premise: Conspiratorial time-travellers compete in gladiatorial tournaments in modern-day Chicago.
Genre: Fantasy/Noir/Martial Arts

haha, awesome.


Premise: Communist monks try to get laid in the furthest reaches of inner space.
Genre: Noir/Martial Arts/Sci-Fi

Premise: Artistic barbarians unravel the mysteries of the human genome during the Crusades.
Genre: Fantasy

Premise: Celibate ducks oppress the working class in Prohibition-era Chicago
Genre: Horror/Adventure

Premise: Crime-fighting dogs perform bizarre rituals in post-apocalyptic Tokyo.
Genre: Alternative History

Premise: War-like Fascists pilot flying battleships in modern-day Rome.
Genre: Thriller/Comedy/Steampunk


I'll love this game.


Premise: Communist Satanists evolve beyond human limitations in a subterranean wonderland.
Genre: Action/Epic/Thriller


Premise: Vampiric slaves fight in the name of Communism in Prohibition-era Chicago
Genre: Dungeon Crawl

D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D:
Premise: Extraterrestrial drunks explore the mysteries of the Mind in modern-day California.
Genre: Steampunk/Dungeon Crawl/Comedy
Premise: Barbaric monks search for free booze in the frigid Canadian Northwest.
Genre: Horror

lol... who made this brilliant thang?!?!?!
Premise: Monastic anarchists perform covert operations in the world of competitive cooking.
Genre: Crime/Action/Western

Premise: Swashbuckling hermaphrodites fight in the name of Communism while the world descends into bloody barbarism.
Genre: Dungeon Crawl/Epic/Crime
Premise: Viking rogues uphold their honour in a repressive corporate dystopia.
Genre: Fantasy/Romance

Premise: Feline vampires raid corporate databases in a subterranean military complex left over from the Cold War.
Genre: Thriller

This is AWESOME.
Premise: Enslaved swashbucklers try to get laid on the dusty plains of Mars.
Genre: Adventure
Premise: Angelic werewolves search for meaning a long time ago, in a galaxy far away.
Genre: Steampunk

Premise: Cross-dressing teenagers explore what it means to be human in a world devastated by nuclear war.
Genre: Fantasy/Martial Arts/Dungeon Crawl
Premise: Mutated Communists have exciting adventures in the world of competitive cooking.
Genre: Horror/Comedy
Premise: Sightseeing cats fight for freedom in a subterranean wonderland.
Genre: Crime/Alternative History

Premise: Sightseeing cultists try to get laid in the American Midwest.
Genre: Thriller/Action/Adventure

Premise: Ninja robots search for free booze SPACE!
Genre: Comedy/Sci-Fi

Premise: Angelic nihilists try to get laid ... in SPACE!
Genre: Epic

Premise: War-like insects explore what it means to be human as the world falls apart.
Genre: Crime/Pulp/Romance

Premise: Nihilistic cultists struggle against the beast within as nanotechnology ushers in a new era of civilisation.
Genre: Epic/Adventure

Best generator E V E R ! ! !

*Writes screenplay
*Sells to Hollywood for Millions
*Does 2 chicks at the same time
*ODs on Class A Bolivian Marching Powder
I love this things. I think I might actually end up writing a few stories based on situations it generates.

If for no other reason than because I can.
Premise: Savage penguins perform covert operations as the stars align and the Great Old Ones make their triumphant return.
Genre: Martial Arts

Premise: Convervative catgirls play a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse as Heaven and Hell marshal for the final battle.
Genre: Horror/Fantasy/Martial Arts

Why conservative?
Premise: Convervative catgirls play a dangerous game of cat-and-mouse as Heaven and Hell marshal for the final battle.
Genre: Horror/Fantasy/Martial Arts

Why conservative?

They don't put out on the first date ;)
I think i have a hit manga series in hand!