Crosshair size is connected to accuracy?

Yes, it does by making you shoot in a smaller cone of fire rather than actually changing the values though. It's a psychological effect.
its more of a mental thing...
ok so if you have your crosshairs set to small...that means
that the size is 1200...i have mine set to 2500
all it does is make you foucs on a smaller point...but the "hole" (the point between all 4 posts) is still the same size...think of it as forcing you to see whats already there
[SARCASM]it makes the guns have no recoil[/SARCASM]
i find it easier to kill people with a small crosshair. like everyone says, its mostly psychological. Like Mind Hacks :p
My brain tells me with a big crosshair not to fire until it's all small again. Small hardly moves and I feel it's easier to aim at things like the head with the smaller one, it fits into the crosshair better. Either way, it's all mental.
I think of it this way, the less crap on the screen to get in the way of aiming, the better.
I've heard some rumors and also saw this on an internet guide to CS:Source. ( under Fighting) Have been told that selecting a smaller crosshair actually makes your accuracy better. Is there any truth to this?

glad to hear the guide helped :)

in my experiance a smaller crosshair is a whole lot easier to aim with
At the moment i've got:

cl_dynamiccrosshair "1"
cl_scalecrosshair "1"
cl_crosshairscale "3000"
cl_crosshairalpha "300"
cl_crosshairusealpha "0"

going on

I've noticed no huge impact on scores since i changed, but when you get the chance, lining up headshots is a bit easier
Septih said:
I've noticed no huge impact on scores since i changed, but when you get the chance, lining up headshots is a bit easier

I think you set it way too small, mine is 1500 and it's small enough to line-up a nice headshot but it's easy to tell if my crosshair is big due to movement/recoil. I think with the way you have yours set it would be damn near impossible to judge how much recoil is effecting your shots, I'd recommend turning it down a bit but whatever works for you :imu:

It's just I mean, 3000 is a dot and there is a reason you can't select a dot as your crosshair in this game. As hard as it might be to get a good headshot with a big crosshair it does a far better job of telling you how inaccurate your shots will be by the spread of the cross, a dot tells you nothing except where your first 3 shots might go.

My 2 cents.....
beam said:
I think you set it way too small, mine is 1500 and it's small enough to line-up a nice headshot but it's easy to tell if my crosshair is big due to movement/recoil. I think with the way you have yours set it would be damn near impossible to judge how much recoil is effecting your shots, I'd recommend turning it down a bit but whatever works for you :imu:

It's just I mean, 3000 is a dot and there is a reason you can't select a dot as your crosshair in this game. As hard as it might be to get a good headshot with a big crosshair it does a far better job of telling you how inaccurate your shots will be by the spread of the cross, a dot tells you nothing except where your first 3 shots might go.

My 2 cents.....

when you've been playign for a while you get a feel for the weapons accuracy anyway, you dont need that too tell you stop spraying, stopmoving etc
Yeah, completely, read your guide Exclamatio, useful stuff. After playing for a while, I don't need the auto-crosshair anymore. Smaller crosshairs just makes lining up 1-shot bursts into people's heads easier.
Is there any way to make teh crosshair thicker, casue it's to thin.
I dont think thats possible, but changing your color to something that doesnt blend in on the current map would probually help. I ususally use 2200 size with light blue. I can play with no crosshair fairly well though, since I did so in a CoD mod I liked, so im not really in trouble when I cant see it well.
Grey Fox said:
Is there any way to make teh crosshair thicker, casue it's to thin.

i use a rec crosshair

cl_crosshairscale 1200


cl_crosshairusealpha 5 <- this makes it darker and easier to see, i have no probs seeing it at this size and shade at all
Changing the crosshair size won't change where the bullets go, and they don't always go into the middle of the crosshair anyway.

I suppose using a smaller crosshair might make you aim with a bit more care.

Make sure you aren't mixed up with actual crosshair size and dynamic crosshairs. (the ones that get tighter or wider depending on if you are getting hit, running, etc.)
It actully really does help. I was playing cs_assault2005new and It's a pretty big warehouse for those of you who played you know that. With a crosshairscale of 5000 I was getting headshots on snipers and scoped riflemen easily. I would get cornered past a corner. They knew I was coming out sooner or later, already had their guns pointed at the corner and I would just jump out, crouch, pop to the dome. So much easier, probably would have missed if the crosshair was too big. It really does help you to really nail in the shot to the exact pixel.
actually the crosshair becomes harder to spot when its so tiny
on some backgrounds it hides completely
if you do manage to spot it though, it helps a bit
Black Ops4 said:
Changing the crosshair size won't change where the bullets go, and they don't always go into the middle of the crosshair anyway.

no1 said it would
beam said:
I think you set it way too small, mine is 1500 and it's small enough to line-up a nice headshot but it's easy to tell if my crosshair is big due to movement/recoil. I think with the way you have yours set it would be damn near impossible to judge how much recoil is effecting your shots, I'd recommend turning it down a bit but whatever works for you :imu:

It's just I mean, 3000 is a dot and there is a reason you can't select a dot as your crosshair in this game. As hard as it might be to get a good headshot with a big crosshair it does a far better job of telling you how inaccurate your shots will be by the spread of the cross, a dot tells you nothing except where your first 3 shots might go.

My 2 cents.....

heh, probably true, i'll have a fiddle around with it sometime
socK said:
I dont think thats possible, but changing your color to something that doesnt blend in on the current map would probually help. I ususally use 2200 size with light blue. I can play with no crosshair fairly well though, since I did so in a CoD mod I liked, so im not really in trouble when I cant see it well.

i bound a key to "tg_clr" to cycle through xhair colors you will find one to better match the map you are playing (and even match the area you are in on that map at that time)
my crosshair scale is set to 400, far easyer to hit people with a massive xhair
is there anyway to make a skin or sprite for the crossahir or whatever, cause in the heat of the fight I can't see the damn crosshairs, they are still to thin, and color doesn't help. Is there a site with custom crosshairs or a tutorial how you can make one yourself.
The crosshair scale is connected to the screen resolution aswell. I play on 1280x960 and have the crosshair on 'small' (1200 I thought), but it's about the same size as 'medium' when I play on 1024x786.
cl_crosshairscale 3200

The only way to fly. And that's on 1024x768. I set it smaller on my school machine.
isnt it a reticule? i thought crosshairs just sit there, and reticule move out and in, and helps you judge your accuracy
Small crosshair, green, translucent, you win in long range AK shootouts. Listen to the biggest badass around, Father Grigori! Aim for the head!
I set it to small and have noticed it does help somewhat. Not that because it's only psychological but with the big auto sizing I think of the very edges of the hair as where I'm going to hit. So now my score is up!
From personal experience, I feel that a smaller crosshair helps notice,lead, and fix recoil. I play with the following at 800*600( Not for performance reasons, all preferance)

Instead of typing this all out, you can check my config out :