Crysis 2 leaked a month and a half early


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
Reaction score

Looks like Crysis 2 has been leaked over a month and a half early. Singleplayer and multiplayer have both been leaked in addition to the new level editor tools for the new CryEngine.



Remember, no linking to warez or admission to or advocating piracy! Be careful.
Ouch indeed, guess there's no way back for 'em.
Link doesn't work for me. Kinda sad for the devs and the studio.
Can't say that I care about the Crysis 2 though so this doesn't change anything for me.
Crysis 2 is for the 360/PS3 too, so those were going to be the highest selling platforms.

They might aswell release the PC version for free.
Goddamnit, I don't like Yerli getting more ammunition for his piracy cannon.
People are advocating not to pirate this, Crytek must be one of the few not using shitty DRM.
This was Crytek's reaction upon hearing about the leak:

They decided not to release a demo for PC, like they were for the console versions.

So, someone got mad.
Crysis 2 is for the 360/PS3 too, so those were going to be the highest selling platforms.

They might aswell release the PC version for free.
The man has a point. This is so much publicity for the game. There's like 30 pages already at facepunch. Console gamers looking at screenshots are going to be ready to buy.
How do they even let this happen? They've gotta be sending their shit around to so many people for it to find someone who doesn't-give-a-fuk enough to leak it.
Who knows what happened. Their security could have been compromised or something. I imagine it's not just someone with a review copy leaking it because it apparently has the master key to their DRM / online authentication, which wouldn't be in a normal review copy.
most likely someone inside the company, whatever the case, it sucks.
As far as I can tell from what some people have told me,

from my above post too,

EA decided that the PC wouldn't be getting a demo(I assume because of all the unlocking that was possible with the first game, or something.), but the console versions would. Someone at EA got mad, and decided PC users should be able to try out the game too, and so he leaked the whole thing. That's the story I've heard at least.
Ace that sounds like the most plausible explanation to me. Where did you hear this rumor? I haven't been able to find ANY details about this that don't stem from the Facepunch thread I posted.
i thought pc was getting a demo tho? well of the mp at least =/
Ace that sounds like the most plausible explanation to me. Where did you hear this rumor? I haven't been able to find ANY details about this that don't stem from the Facepunch thread I posted.

A few friends. Knowing them, though, it probably came originally from 4chan or similar sites. I'm not saying it's completely accurate, however it's very likely. No way would Crytek just get breached like that, it doesn't happen every day and there is really no reason to leak a game without the company doing something dumb and employees getting mad.
ya I thought they announced a demo for PC shortly after the 360 one came out...
Their choice in not releasing a PC demo when the game is a complete and utter console port would have nothing to do with it?
haha i totally read that in Tychus's voice without even consciously realizing it.

Crytek confirmed a multiplayer PC demo a couple of weeks ago, so Ace's friends' story seems unlikely. I still suspect it was an employee though...
On that note, am I the only one who really hates multiplayer demos? Especially for games that are supposed to be SP focused.
I don't mind MP demos but I would say I prefer singleplayer ones definitely.

I'm only really interested in the singleplayer of Crysis 2 anyway but I'll enjoy playing with the MP demo a little just to get a taste of the engine though.
Haha, yeah having a demo on PC is totally why Ace's story is implausible.

"Boy it sucks that PC players aren't getting a demo, I'd better do something about this. Oi what's all this master key stuff in the 'DO NOT DISTRIBUTE AT ANY COST' folder? Whatever, I'll chuck it in."
An employee is the most likely source, but no PC demo is not the most likely cause. Crytek probably shafted somebody, and this was their retaliation.

Multiplayer demos are bullshit though. For one, what if you don't get interested in the game until a few months, maybe even a year after it's release? Good luck finding a populated server. For a game like Crysis, who made its name with it's singleplayer game, not releasing a SP demo screams "I'M HIDING SOMETHING." But from what I've seen of the console multiplayer demo, it should have hid that as well. Its pretty much a direct copy of COD. If you were to say "Hey Krynn, check out the MP demo for the next COD" and then show me Crysis 2's demo, I'd never know you were lying to me.
Apparently, people still play the demos for BF1942 and UT99 online. You may draw your own conclusions from that.

Edit: They are bullshit in general though, yeah.
I'm gonna buy even more then before lighting is the best I've seen in a game.
Apparently, people still play the demos for BF1942 and UT99 online. You may draw your own conclusions from that.

Edit: They are bullshit in general though, yeah.

Halo: CE pc demo is where its at. A friend of mine's dad still plays it to this day.
Apparently, it's the early version that was leaked. So the game is buggy as **** for whoever downloaded it.
neat I totally wont be playing this within the hour to see if this game is as as shitty as it's open MP beta
I guess videogame codes and data will be handled more carefully in the future
According to the RPS comments you have to do some fiddling around to get it to work, even then it only works in 800*640 in windowed mode in DX9. Definitely not going to be representative of the game if that is the case :p
Contender for most pirated game series in history? :p
According to the RPS comments you have to do some fiddling around to get it to work, even then it only works in 800*640 in windowed mode in DX9. Definitely not going to be representative of the game if that is the case :p

Not the case, I don't want to promote downloading of it but it's possible to run in whatever res you want with whatever quality settings. Just don't like false info.
Not the case, I don't want to promote downloading of it but it's possible to run in whatever res you want with whatever quality settings. Just don't like false info.

Not that I know or anything but this ^ is right.


This implies they weren't going to before.