Crysis Demo Coming Soon!?


Companion Cube
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score

Any FilePlanet Subscribers that have, or will reserve the Crysis Demo will be instantly provided with a Key, this only happened over the past 24 hours however, meaning the Demo must be coming very soon. There is no official word, but FilePlanet is often the gateway to Demos and Betas - STALKER, and LOTRO for example.

I think I might need to subscribe again!
I'm a subscriber... hmm, neat!
fileplanet is the shiz.
I been wit dem for 2 years.
Dus u lik meh takin lik a n00b?
I subscribed two weeks ago in anticipation of stalker and this :P
Damnit all the good games (stalker, Crysis demo) are coming out as sooon as my computer dies.
Not that they'd run on this one anyway.
Eagerly awaiting the release on the pirate bay... ;)
hool, you are aware this demo requires a unique serial right?
I'm assuming this is a MP demo?

Perhaps both even... As long as it's longer than the SP demo I played at GDC it would be good. GDC demo was really short (for obvious reasons though, so that one person didn't hog the system).
i went to fileplanet and there is nothing on a demo coming soon???

Got link?
C..C..Crysis Demo?

Awesome! But... I'm not a subscriber... I love Fileplanet, but I'm too lazy to become a subscriber...

Hopefully they will make the demo avaliable to regular users.
How did the GDC demo actually feel?

It was alright.

Graphics look great (It was running on like a top of the line machine with a single 8800 in Vista w/ DX10 so it better!), and gameplay is pretty neat. Lots of destructible stuff.

The demo was really short so I couldn't get too much of a feel. I literally started and you're at the edge of the jungle, so I sniped a guy or two before going in and kicking ass of about 5 other guys. Then a helicopter came and I destroyed it, sort of. It had a bug where the helicopter crashed but didn't explode, so I walked over, got in, but it was too damaged and couldn't fly :( I wanted to fly that helicopter so bad! The HUD for it was done and everything. It was a third-person camera behind the helicopter view.

I'm not sure if it was known that you could fly helicopters (could you in Far Cry?) but here's proof of it I guess if it wasn't confirmed elsewhere.

The real trick would be trying to see if you could jump in the helicopter while it was flying and take over.
Cool, I heard Cevat say that all the flying vehicles are pilotable. One of the main reasons I'm very excited about MP is that I think everyone has this feeling that it's going to be like BF2 on steroids, people using the VTOL aircraft on the aircraft carrier dropping off team mates in the jungle, all kitted up in nano suits, it just sounds Epic.

Alan, you have to goto Reserve Demos on the left of the front page, The Crysis demo is listed in there, if your a subscriber click it and you'll get a key which will be listed in your accounts beta keys archive.
Fileplanet is good. A lot of exclusives and insane fast dls. Got me key reserved!
Cool, I heard Cevat say that all the flying vehicles are pilotable. One of the main reasons I'm very excited about MP is that I think everyone has this feeling that it's going to be like BF2 on steroids, people using the VTOL aircraft on the aircraft carrier dropping off team mates in the jungle, all kitted up in nano suits, it just sounds Epic.

Alan, you have to goto Reserve Demos on the left of the front page, The Crysis demo is listed in there, if your a subscriber click it and you'll get a key which will be listed in your accounts beta keys archive.

I did and it just gave me a reserve in my download manager not a key. I am a subscriber and pay monthly. I think they stopped giving the key away after 24 hours or i'm just not doing it right :( I want a key!

Ohh sweet i found my key i didnt know to even check in the my accounts tab!!! Thanks Clarky003 :) I'm happy agian

how u got your key reserved !
i demand i link right now !
It's the 4th title down.

I'd say they're just selling subs based on the probability that the demo is coming within a month or two rather than having any real evidence it's coming to FP really soon. Quake Wars is on that list too and notice how Status of the demo and Release of the demo for both games are "UNCONFIRMED"

I hope the QW demo comes soon. I've been dying to get my hands on that game.
should i subscribe?? wouldn't i be able to download this elsewhere?

After finally getting around to buying and playing Far Cry, I can't wait to try this puppy out.
Why are they providing keys? inCrysis mentioned that information was incorrect about keys being handed out 2 weeks ago?
I'd say they're just selling subs based on the probability that the demo is coming within a month or two rather than having any real evidence it's coming to FP really soon. Quake Wars is on that list too and notice how Status of the demo and Release of the demo for both games are "UNCONFIRMED"

I hope the QW demo comes soon. I've been dying to get my hands on that game.

Ya i got a key for that aswell.