Crysis, Memory or Graphics Card?


Aug 1, 2003
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Hmmmm, I got the Crysis Single Player demo and the game is ****ing AWSOME! BUT! It runs kind of jerky on my 8800GTS. I have the Superclocked EVGA version with 320mb onboard GPU ram. My question is basiclly... I'm getting some slight dips in FPS. Is it because my graphics card can't handle the speeds required or is it simply because I havn't got enough ram and are simply bottle necking my whole system.

I'm currently running 2GB 6400 4-4-4-12 ram. Should I spend ?50-100 getting 4GB of ram or buy another super clocked EVGA and SLI them. If I was going down the graphics card route I would obviously get the Ram as well since its so cheap. But if I don't need to spend so much on a graphics card I might as well put my money somewhere else. If ya get me.

Oh, this is the GFX card I have
Get the ram, and wait for the 8800 GT then sell your gts.
Your PC is fantastic. It would be an insult to upgrade it now.
But if you have to Cevat said the game is first and foremost CPU sensitive, then GFX then RAM. Also nvidia has beta drivers for crysis out try those.
Doubt the ram is holding you back.
My advice is to wait until the actual release and see if Nvidia release any new drivers by then. It seems the people using ATI's newer cards are seeing better performance than those with high end Nvidia cards (which shouldn't be happening because Crysis was designed on Nvidia hardware). This leads me to believe that Nvidia ****ed up something with their more recent drivers, and hopefully it will be resolved before too long.
Nah, this demo problem has nothing to do with CPU and ram.
You may get another GTS and SLI, since you lack enough vrams anyway, and that's if you intend to play in high settings.
As far as demo not performing well goes; this damo does not work on sli, (At least not on FW V. 163.71) this because; like Sedako said Nvidia screwed us up with drivers and ATI guys are getting better frames than Nvidia users with version 163.71. You can try Version 169 here to help you with better frame rates.
I was getting 17-20 frames at (High 16xQ) and 30-40 frames on (High 16X) all at 1680x1050 which is kind of disapointing for dual 8800GTX on version 163. I haven't tried version 169 yet.
This demo will have bugs just like most demos. One time I quick saved and I found myself standing in an empty map. I had to reload the whole game. It's just a demo therefore not optimized and will play lousy.
Wait for the actual game to come out and the first patch then think about upgrading. 2GB of system ram is more than you need for Crysis. Q4 sat on more system rams than Crysis.

Good Luck.