CS: Condition Zero Leak

Dhoco X

Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
CS: Condition Zero leak

Well it seems the same lowlife that stole the Half-Life 2 source code is back with some Counter-Strike related material. This time he's saying he has a way to play CS via his stolen source engine. Not only that but he's releasing CS: CZ early, which will be out November 18th. This from PHL:

"Well, it appears that this "Anonymous Leaker" character wasn't bluffing, because now he's apparently released something that lets you play Half-Life and Counter-Strike using Half-Life 2's source engine. And he's also supposedly released an outdated build of Counter-Strike: Condition Zero (it's going gold Friday, see yesterday's story) and/or possibly something that deals with Counter-Strike 2. We really don't care to know the details, and we can't exactly confirm this because we refuse to download these releases ourselves. And we of course strongly suggest you don't download any of this stolen material either." -FragMaster
This whole leak situation is blowing up even further. Take my advice and don't download anything, if you're like me you prefer to wait until a game comes out and actually, *gasp* pay for it.

Source--> www.cscentral.com
This is really awesome. Gabe is cracking down on this like a nut cracker. I have about 10 warez links to the beta and they have all been blocked.
Originally posted by Frank
The jokes on him...CounterStrike sucks!

yeah really lol. Nobody cares about a leak if its a leak of a horrible game.
Originally posted by Dhoco X
CS: Condition Zero leak

Well it seems the same lowlife that stole the Half-Life 2 source code is back with some Counter-Strike related material. This time he's saying he has a way to play CS via his stolen source engine. Not only that but he's releasing CS: CZ early, which will be out November 18th. This from PHL:

"Well, it appears that this "Anonymous Leaker" character wasn't bluffing, because now he's apparently released something that lets you play Half-Life and Counter-Strike using Half-Life 2's source engine. And he's also supposedly released an outdated build of Counter-Strike: Condition Zero (it's going gold Friday, see yesterday's story) and/or possibly something that deals with Counter-Strike 2. We really don't care to know the details, and we can't exactly confirm this because we refuse to download these releases ourselves. And we of course strongly suggest you don't download any of this stolen material either." -FragMaster
This whole leak situation is blowing up even further. Take my advice and don't download anything, if you're like me you prefer to wait until a game comes out and actually, *gasp* pay for it.

Source--> www.cscentral.com

Very old news, welcome to last week :rolleyes:
why do people find it necessary to basically yell at someone for posting some old news..
Originally posted by Skammich
why do people find it necessary to basically yell at someone for posting some old news..

I didnt yell, I just stated a fact, thats all.
Originally posted by Frank
The jokes on him...CounterStrike sucks!

ROTFLMFAO.. I thought I was the only person on the planet that doesnt like counter strike. Not to mention, it's built on the HL1 engine, not source.
Re: Re: CS: Condition Zero Leak

Originally posted by Hallucinogen
Very old news, welcome to last week :rolleyes:

Am i to understand it that posting old news somehow makes takes you back in time?

"This just in. Poland has been invaded by the Nazis!"

It isnt old news to everyone, i dont see a problem with him posting it here, after all i see no other threads on this board with this news in.
Yeah, I didn't know that CS:CZ was leaked... grrr I hate them hackers...why do they do it? Do they realise that they have delayed this game?