CS: is it like Tactical Ops based on Unreal Tournament?

Dec 12, 2004
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CS: is it like Tactical Ops based on Unreal Tournament?
I am downloading the game now and am not clued up about it much. The weapons and items seem similar to those in Tactical Ops, so are they both the same kind of game?
Eh? you have not heard of CS? it's a mod created originally for Half-Life aaages ago, sometime in 2000 I think?
Cheers. I only got involved in the HL2 universe when I got it free with my new ATI 9600XT. I didn't know the games were going to be as good as this. I got the token months ago and finally got round to playing some games about 3 weeks or so ago.
TO is more of a deathmatch style of game
Welcome out of the box then! As you probably know now, CS is the worlds most popular online fps. :E
Yes, CS can be compared to TO but it really should be the other way around because CS is bigger, badder, better and the original. Anyway I think CS is a bit more realistic and doesn't have as much deathmatch feel as TO. Other than that they are quite similar. Both are round based, the maps have simple objectives and you buy weapons from the money you earn by winning.
CS is a game that combines realism and fast paced fun gameplay, without having too much of either one.
man i cant stand TO, for some reaon i think its crap compared to cs:s.
It's really like TO, except with whiny 8-year old hackers and weapon unbalences. :|
Exclamatio said:
too many whiners
waaaay too many. plus its got a minimal skill level and a lot of racist nazi punks.
Ennui said:
waaaay too many. plus its got a minimal skill level and a lot of racist nazi punks.

i disagree with the skill level

ifu think the skill level is low your playing the wrong people
Teta_Bonita said:
It's really like TO, except with whiny 8-year old hackers and weapon unbalences. :|

THANK GOD Source is out-no more goddamn hackers- those who have 24-1 finally are the people you can admire because they play the game to have fun-and get good at it. And yes, no more bitching. Usually.
after Valve makes the servers VAC proof they could think about making them whine proof 2 :D