Counter strike has been fine for me until this evening. A black box appears after someone throws a nade.
(I got a new graphics card a week ago 9800pro)
Is it the graphics card or a cs problem??? :flame:
It might be the 4.7 drivers. There is a similar issue with Thief 3 where black boxes appear and shadows aren't where they're supposed to be. So...
EDIT: It's not the card because I have it and haven't had any problems with CS. Except that I have to run it in OpenGL mode for some reason. Running in D3D won't work for some reason. =/
the problem he has nothing to do with the card its his settings within CS that is the problem. If your setting are set to reduce quality and improve performance you will see that effect where smoke looks like black boxes if you change that setting your smoke will be nice.
did you have a geforce graphics card before the 9800? if so did you remove them all using something like detonator destroyers? (nvidia driver remover) that could be a problem left by some stray nvidia dlls