CS:S Arms --> XSI



I've tried imorting the hands_reference.smd from a decompiled Source model. The only problem is, the bones are not included. Instead there are nulls representing the roots, effs, and joints. The nulls have the correct hierarchy and are attached to the mesh but there is no IK, and the vertices aren't weighted.

Is there any other way to get a working bone system with proper weights other than doing it all myself? I can look at the nulls as references but honestly, Valves setup is a bit complicated to me -- plus I'd still have to weight it myself. Which I could do, but I've never done any animating before, so it'd probably take me an age.

I've also tried importing the SMD into Milkshape (where the bones are intact, but not attached to the mesh) then exporting in various formats, then importing back into XSI, but I lose the bones again.

Or does anyone have a set of rigged CS:S arms lying around that they could give me in XSI format?

Thanks for your patience with this newbie.
welcome to my world mate. lol. i been away for a while im in bankok at the moment so i aint had time to continue having a headache about this. but anyway i was gona try extracting the mdl with gcf scape and then decompiling it. i think the reason it does this is because the mdl decompiler is buggy. if u get no result and this is important then i suggest you learn the basics of 3ds max and do it all in that.
Damn, that sucks. You'd think that it'd work better in XSI than in others since it's what Valve is using (in part at least).

Not important enough to lay down the money for Max (and I'm not a fan of piracy.) Just a hobby atm. Do anyone know if GMax imports things correctly?

Maybe I'll see if I can rig/weight it in XSI still.
omg now ive seen it all ..crackhead advised another froumite to use 3dsmax my whol view on reality has been redefined :O
lol haha! what is happening here. the reason is i have that problem and you said u had decompiled the models and had the bones n stuff in 3dsmax so i figure if u want to do that u need to use 3dsmax. xsi rules!! - jus keepin the morale up.
Valves xsi support is terrible. Don't be fooled by all that butt-buddyism that XSI is the best program to use in conjunction with source. It's terrible.

I just want to say butt buddy one more time. Butt buddies.
its not terrible you obviously cant model with xsi. its just as good as 3dsmax. this isnt valves fault. cannon fodder made the decompiler. he says that its very buggy and cant be held responsible for any bugs n shit. maybe one day he or someone else will fix it for xsi. anyway this aint a very big problem. i meen if you want a new npc just create your own animations and get your coder to sort it out.
Yeah but if you can't import a simple model with bones with XSI , and you can in 3dsmax, which is the better program for source work..?

Modelling aside...
But XSI has much more support for Source, probably because it needs it...

Somebody should make a proper smd exporter and importer for XSI, Valve are terrible at making plugins (this coming from an XSI user).