CS:S Debug Panel



I've been messing with Server Variables over the passed few days, setup custom binds for recording films in third person, yaddah on and so forth, and i have 2 binds, one on F1 and one on F2, under normal circumstances these are to do with autobuy and re-buy previous i think, under my secondary binds list, they toggle between first and thrid person. Sometimes however, F1 opens a Debug Menu, which is full of fun options like Wireframe, which is just funny to use against fellow Bots, and lots of lighting tweaks. Pressing F2 sometimes brings up the Demo Recording box, My question is, what is the command that opens these two mystery boxes, becuase it sure aint F1 and F2 because they're bound to "firstperson" and "thridperson" respectively. Any help appreciated, because the internet doesnt seem to hold an obvious answer..

EDIT: In a pure stroke of retardedness, i've discovered that its openable when sv_cheats is 1 and the combination Shift+F1 is pressed, there was me thinking it was just F1, it was probably because i was trying to walk while switching views...