CS:S Grenade throwing



I searched and didn't find any threads on the new grenade throwing.

How many of you like the new restricted grenade throwing characteristics in CS:S?

1.Grenades don't throw as far
2.Grenades just die when they hit a wall or the ground or some object.

I really don't like the new changes in the throwing abilities.I like the better explosions,Flash & smoke,but I prefer the grenade throwing I've become accustomed to after 4-5 yrs of CS.I wish Cliffe/VALVe would change the grenade throwing characteristics back.

What do y'all think of the new grenade throwing characteristics?
1. Grenades go farther
2. HE grenades explode in the air and flash and smoke only detonate on the ground.

GJ with your little talk about grenades.
Dalamari said:
1. Grenades go farther
2. HE grenades explode in the air and flash and smoke only detonate on the ground.

GJ with your little talk about grenades.

why are you so negatively antagonizing on here?

you're just feed for the flame.
I agree that the nades don't feel like they throw as far, i'm usually coming up short on the grenade throwing.
Also the little plume of smoke after a flashbang is gone ;( and there's no mark on the floor so you can see where it went off.
they also behave unrealisticly (physics wise)
they dont roll over the ground as they should
If you notice they shouldn't roll too much. Theres a little metal like box thing where the spoon is connected, it sticks out from the grenade a bit. So unless its being rolled hard enough, it should just roll around that axis a bit. They designed it that way so it stays in the area where you chucked it.
Dalamari said:
1. Grenades go farther
2. HE grenades explode in the air and flash and smoke only detonate on the ground.

GJ with your little talk about grenades.
actually flashes explode mid-air as well :afro:
YOUR CRAZY... the nades are throw faster (light speed almost) they go the same distance.

I noticed they go faster. I don't see them going shorter.
They did a very good job with their explosions but I think that their physics are just wrong... they dont arch much at all when they are thrown and they can be thrown inhumanly far. I hate to say this but I think I like Rainbow Six grenade throwing a lot more. I would like better if you can just toss a nade over a wall instead of having to bank it on some wall because its going like a bajillion mph. But other then that I think they are great.
To me nades don't seem to go as far when bouncing off of walls. Grr...
the nades seem smaller and faster to me, but again when bouncing off walls they dont go as far.... thats probably more realistic physics though i guess
Maybe they could change the physical properties of the grenade so it would bounce off the walls a little farther and be a lil bit closer to the way grenades have bounced off walls in all previous versions of CS

they ought to be able to tweak that kinda thing with the source engine.

the distance is nearly the same or the same for throwing but the bounce off walls and objects is totally different.

Cliffe Help :D
disruptioN_ said:
To me nades don't seem to go as far when bouncing off of walls. Grr...

Bingo! Most people are used to bouncing of the wall, so it seems like it isn't going as far.
Because physics are correct now... if an object (specially a hard, irregularly-shaped object) hits a surface at a hard angle the object will lose a lot of it's velocity. You will notice that grenades that bounce in an angle greater than 90 degrees will travel further because a lot of the force is still kept in forward momentum and the force vector emmited from the wall won't affect the initial vector as much.

In plain words for those of you who don't know physics very well, throw the grenade right and it will go further.
Yep, grenades don't feel right. I know it's trying to be real with realistic physics, but I'd rather have the grenade style that I've been using for years.
I like the changes. Grenades should NOT have the characteristics of a tennis ball when thrown! they are heavy and shouldn't bounce and can't be thrown 100 yards. i havn't played it but from the vids i love the new explosion effects. MUCH more realistic.
I love the new way grenades work! They made them SOO much more usefull. And it's also cool that flashbangs do a little bit of damage if you're right ontop of one when it exlodes.

I've gotten MUCH more nade kills in CSS then i've ever gotten in CS in the same timeperiod.
The 'old' cs nades are too bouncy... the new ones are fine, just needs some practice :)

btw I really love when you pick up nades from dead bodies, thats gonna be a great new tactical thing in clan games