CS:S messed up after using SDK


Jul 17, 2004
Reaction score
After using the SDK to try and make my first map, CS:S is too bright.
No shadows, and everything is lit up as well.
This might give me some tactical benefits (no one can hide in the dark) but it looks damn ugly and I want to change it back.

I'm sure someone know the "fix" for this. Please help me :)
I am not an expert, but I can think of two possible causes:

1) A leak (some opening to the "void", the non-map world)
2) RAD was not run, or the path to RAD is wrong (this is the
program that calculates lighting)
...but this happens when trying to play the normal CS:S , not with any custom maps, just the official ones. Anyway I found that when I restart the comp everything goes back to normal. Annoying but waddahell.., thats life with these cans. Nothing work perfect :)