cs:s playable demo - is this bullshit?


Jul 29, 2004
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Part of a conversation with a friend on MSN:
2004.8.13 11:43 PM JF: i got the counter strike demo if you want it
2004.8.13 11:43 PM Malcolm: nah, i've already seen plenty cs:s movies
2004.8.13 11:43 PM JF: no no no its playable
2004.8.13 11:43 PM JF: i got it today
2004.8.13 11:43 PM Malcolm: counter strike: source?
2004.8.13 11:44 PM JF: i dont know its half life 2 counterstrike
2004.8.13 11:44 PM Malcolm: on steam?
2004.8.13 11:44 PM JF: it runs of steam
2004.8.13 11:44 PM JF: but not online
2004.8.13 11:44 PM JF: its a demo
2004.8.13 11:44 PM Malcolm: a playable demo?
2004.8.13 11:44 PM JF: ya
2004.8.13 11:44 PM Malcolm: how long?
2004.8.13 11:44 PM JF: 5-10 minutes
2004.8.13 11:45 PM Malcolm: but single player?
2004.8.13 11:45 PM JF: well yes and no
2004.8.13 11:45 PM JF: i couldnt connect to the internet
2004.8.13 11:45 PM Malcolm: against bots?
2004.8.13 11:45 PM JF: couldnt get those to work either
2004.8.13 11:45 PM JF: but it said there should be bots
2004.8.13 11:45 PM Malcolm: that's pretty weird, didn't hear news about any demos, and i read several hl2 news sites
2004.8.13 11:46 PM JF: go to them again
2004.8.13 11:46 PM JF: i got it in the mail today
2004.8.13 11:46 PM JF: its really pretty but thats about it
2004.8.13 11:46 PM JF: it looks cool when you die
2004.8.13 11:47 PM Malcolm: have you bought an ati videocard that came with hl2 in the last year?
2004.8.13 11:47 PM JF: no but i have a sweet video card
2004.8.13 11:47 PM Malcolm: im buying the best videocard for halflife2
2004.8.13 11:47 PM Malcolm: 800$
2004.8.13 11:47 PM JF: mine was 600
2004.8.13 11:47 PM JF: not ati but i dont like ati
2004.8.13 11:48 PM Malcolm: its a little behind nvidia for doom3, but it pulls ahead in hl2
2004.8.13 11:48 PM JF: i want doom 3
The conversation went a little longer, but nothing at all relavent.

Now, is this kid completly bullshitting? He's a pathological liar; I basically believe nothing he says, but the fact that he offered me the file would be pretty stupid if he was lying. I don't believe him right now, but was wondering if anyone knew at all what he was talking about (assuming he was mistaken, rather than lying).
Of course he's lying. You say yourself he's a pathological liar.

If there were a demo of the game, people'd be going nuts about it all over the net...
It's not a demo, he may be talking about the cracked beta that was released yesterday.
thats a bumber that they cracked it, do you think that it will push the release of the game back at all? Im just glad im paying for my version of the game, VALVe earns it. :angry:
ManHacks said:
thats a bumber that they cracked it, do you think that it will push the release of the game back at all? Im just glad im paying for my version of the game, VALVe earns it. :angry:

No. Besides it's just one map.
I just came back from an I-Cafe in Vancouver... man is it ever fun.. 5x more fun than regular counter-strike... I found that the game is a little slower pace and more teamwork was used because of the hit detection system, and the recoil seems a bit changed ie:para is more accurate, m4a1 accuracy better silenced.. and the DUALIES rock! :) overall a little bugginess, but it is already looking to addict millions :p

cant wait till i get my own copy on monday..

-ps using the physical objects works well, i just wish there were more :D
hahahaha demo hahahahhaha, just slap your friend. multiple times.
I think the most impressive thing is that he considers it a demo.

I can't see how he wouldn't be able to see it isn't.

OMG OMG i crossed 500 posts without even knowing it :(
Well, I'm looking forward to CS:S but right now I'm more jumpy about the HL2 MP (Since I know that it'll be something else then what you have in games today, thanks to the Source engine :))
Wow they are really nerdy -.-;; i mean holy crap why the hell would u spend like 800 or 600 $ on a video card... the most i would spend would be like 200 $ or like somewhere around there -.- :flame:
Wiseman said:
Part of a conversation with a friend on MSN:

The conversation went a little longer, but nothing at all relavent.

Now, is this kid completly bullshitting? He's a pathological liar; I basically believe nothing he says, but the fact that he offered me the file would be pretty stupid if he was lying. I don't believe him right now, but was wondering if anyone knew at all what he was talking about (assuming he was mistaken, rather than lying).

Btw if you're lucky you're friend is ****ed.
This is totally bullshit, I reget to inform you of..:|

I photoshopped a Condition Zero box to look like it said Source instead of Condition Zero, and sent it to a couple of my clan mates, and they said, "Awesome! When did you get this!?" I said..Got it in the mail cause I did some mapping for VALVe.

When of course I didn't...but I wish I did...about 2 minutes later I told him I was joking.

Its just a prank to rise your hopes, then crash them. Tell him that he could get arrested if he really does have the Counter-Strike: Source, illegally.

Hehe...or the beta version of HL2 for that matter...
They cracked CS:S? Didn't know that.

I was really wondering about that part though, didn't make any sense why they'd send it in the mail.

And as for the video card, it's the ATi Radeon X800/XT Platinum. I don't plan on upgrading my next computer for a long time after I buy it, so I want something that'll last. Plus, with the new PCI-Express videocards and MOBOs that are coming out, I wouldn't be able to upgrade anyway, I'd have to buy a new motherboard with the new videocard (and a new CPU, since the newer motherboards'll will use a different socket than my current one). Basically, I want something that'll last for years.

And the price is Canadian (and it's not out yet, so it might go up/down when it is released).

But I can't wait, in 2 weeks I'll have a totally kickass computer, and around September I'll have the videocard.