CS:S runs better than HL²?


Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
Hi, i've got a shitty pc (athlon 1200mhz, 256 mb ram and a radeon 9200,) so i play half life² with everything on the lowest in a window but i can play CS:S full screen with lots of details and i get good fps, is it juste because they tuned a lot of things down? or is there something wrong with my HL²?
It's probably because halflife2 has much more detail, things to render, map sizes e.t.c. but i really don't know for sure, that's just my guess
HL2 has much better detailed deisgns and alot of 3D objects oh... and circled woods ^^
Letters, same with me, my hl2 runs much easier than my Cs:S.
when im on aztec, when im by the water, it lags like a beast. But when im near/ on water in hl2, it doesnt it makes no sense!!! :p
love them both tho :D
It would make more sense that HL2 runs smoother than CS:S since HL2 is a client-side-only game, and CS:S is online. Online games usually have a lower average fps. At least it's like that for me.
i have my cs source on 6aa 16af .. andi t runs fine 30fps (Lowest) 100 (highest) on my x800 pro.

i lag on hl2 with those setings
mine run equally the same, great infact, probably because i have a bitchin vid card
Half-Life 2 runs ten times better for CS:S for me.

Probably because I have a high end computer, making the online aspect of CS:S my only limitation.

chimpmunk said:
Hi, i've got a shitty pc (athlon 1200mhz, 256 mb ram and a radeon 9200,) so i play half life² with everything on the lowest in a window but i can play CS:S full screen with lots of details and i get good fps, is it juste because they tuned a lot of things down? or is there something wrong with my HL²?

Counterstrike Source:
Not as many polys (GPU)
Or special Effect (GPU)
Physics toned down (CPU)
No AI players (CPU)

Its more about connectivity