CS:S stalling probs HELP!!!!!!


Aidin Ashoori

Yo! I have a really wierd problem in CS:S. WHen i stand close to a movable object like a barrel and shoot it, it stalls for a bit right before it moves. Also, when i drop my weapons when im standing still, it stalls in mid air for like half-second before it falls to da ground. I dun think that da problem i have is my system because i had both of these problems even before i upgraded my cpu, mobo, vid card, ram, and hard drive.
heres my clomp specs:

amd athlon 64 3000+
pny geforce 6800 gt agp 8x
msi kn8 mobo
1 gig ram

The physics in CSS are server-side. It takes time for your shot to register with the server. So you shoot the object, the server validates that you hit the object, the object is moved, the client recieves info on where the object moved. The same goes for dropping weapons.

It has nothing to do with your specs.