CS:S Updates?



Am I right in thinking that there have been at least 2 minor updates to CS:S since it's release?

Cos under update news it states the last update as being Oct 7th 2004, is this correct?

(I don't think so)
there hasn't been any for css. only steam platform and half-life 2 preload 6
Aaah, I see, is there any way to check the update 'version' for Steam, as I can for my games?
do you mean to check to see like what version of Steam you have? No thats not really possible.. because it updates Automatickally you can't Not make it update... so they don't bother sticking numbers in it to.

Also I belive there was an update to CSS actully. One night I opened up Steam and there wern't any updates... but then when I opened up CSS it updated that, but it wasn't in the Update NEws... so I dunno... there will probobly be one soon. Hopefully there will be cause their are a lot of bus.. but its stll AWESOME
Yeah, there must have been an update. For instance, now, on... hmm... I'm not sure what level it is, Prodigy I think. Well now you can't plant the bomb on the really high up boxes, the one's you need to get a friend to boost you up to ones.
so do they list the gameplay changes or what not anywhere when they update the game?