cs:s v hl2dm v cs1.6


Dec 12, 2004
Reaction score
Is it just me, or is cs:s comparitively shit? hl2dm is awesome - none of the hitbox/where-the-hell-did-my-bullets-go bugs of cs:s and superb ragdoll effects. cs1.6 is awesome too, huge array of maps and well-tested servers, no serious issues (and it's cs). I just think that cs:s was supposed to replace cs1.6 but it has really failed. And the sweetness of hl2dm has just shown it up as everything a source-based online game should be.

Maybe I'm a classicalist at heart, but I think cs:s should have been no more than a visual and physics upgrade for cs1.6, keeping the gameplay as it was.

I'd make a poll but I don't know how, and I hate polls.
Thats strange, css is better than cs1.6 imo, and as for HL2DM, well, I tried that and had this unbelievable stuttering/jerking around even though my framerate was no where near the level needed to make it feel like 10 fps. After that I havent touched it since, I probably need to change some settings to fix it, but css/hl2 is hogging my time just now.
me 2 i love cs:s
but hl2dm is better and for 1.6... i whas glad cz came along
cs:s pwns hl2dm you dont need skill to play it just hold fire and charge at enimies. Also whilst you empty an SMG's clip into someones head they still runa way ????
im not a fan of the new hldm, played it for a few hours its ok

i like css very good, very buggy too

cs1.6 i havnt even touched since i got css, although i would say im still a fan of it

CSS > cs1.6 > hl2dm

for me anyway
i played 1.6 recently, feels like crap now

TF2 > CS: S > HL2: DM > DOD: S > 1.6
I went back and played 1.6 (hadn't played for nearly two years) after getting into the CS:S beta, and was it ever horrible.
Woah I soooo should have posted this into the HL2DM forum. I can't believe you all like cs:s better! Seriously, for me cs:s just doesnt play as well. And as for hl2dm, it does require some skill. A different kind of skill - namely being able to weild the one-shot kill weaponds properly - but it just seems less random. Does anyone here play them both a lot (like I do)?

p.s. its worth mentioning that I finally found a server giving me a good ping and with some awesome custom maps. It's exactly what cs:s has been lacking. Pity the standard of level designers out there is a bit low. Pride, people.
geelen said:
Woah I soooo should have posted this into the HL2DM forum. I can't believe you all like cs:s better! Seriously, for me cs:s just doesnt play as well. And as for hl2dm, it does require some skill. A different kind of skill - namely being able to weild the one-shot kill weaponds properly - but it just seems less random. Does anyone here play them both a lot (like I do)?

p.s. its worth mentioning that I finally found a server giving me a good ping and with some awesome custom maps. It's exactly what cs:s has been lacking. Pity the standard of level designers out there is a bit low. Pride, people.

lol what did u expect posting it in here?

and hell at the end of the day its all opinion
I prefer CSS. HL2DM is a lot of fun too. Just needs more maps, that all. I have just played cs 1.6 once after the Beta of CSS. It's crap now :)
I played CS for many, many years (I'm old) and I think CS:S is a huge improvement on it and I'll likely play it for many, many years as well. I don't mind HL2DM as a change of pace but I HATE the rocket launcher... which I've always hated in DM. Stupid no skill squid gets the RL and they think they are good.

What I am acutally waiting for is DoD:S. I played the original of that more that even 1.6 in the last few years. I have high hopes for DoD:S. I prefer the realistic weapons I guess which is why I like CS:S and am looking forwards to DoD:S.