CS:S whats the lowest we looking at?


May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Whats the lowest System CS:S could be played on with a playable state?

I know its been asked plenty but i got a system run it fine but my brother is crying to not play it and wait next year for a upgrade but I told him not to be a prick ;).

Basicly his system is-
AMD XP2100
512mb pc2700 ram
geforce 4 ti4200 64mb
nforce 2 ultra mobo

Now obivsouly this must be able to run it? According to the POLL valve did in STEAM most players have a MX440.... lets not forget the massive old comp fan base.

Now will his above system atl least be able to run it? Ignoring graphics but able to set it low for a playable rate?

in someting like 640*480 everything low?
Anything over 2.0 GHz with a gig of ram can run flawlessly with the correct video settings. Under that specification it's basically hit or miss. The video card however should be made within the last few years or so, NVIDIA and FX mobile cards blow for source.
Chaops said:
Anything over 2.0 GHz with a gig of ram can run flawlessly with the correct video settings. Under that specification it's basically hit or miss. The video card however should be made within the last few years or so, NVIDIA and FX mobile cards blow for source.

Dude have you even ran an Nvidia card in source they run fine....even the lowest FX card (5200) looks great in source with everything on high. Although with my FX 5200 i have a 3.6ghz processor and 1 gig Ram to enhance its performance.
I have a mobile 5600 FX card and with a boss rig i need to run 640x480 with all settings lowest. Now a desktop FX card may be fine, but I specifically said mobile in the post above.